Wie bremst man richtig mit Handbremsen am Fahrrad?

Hallo, ich habe mir letztens ein E-bike über ebay gekauft, allerdings ohne Rücktrittbremse, die ich seit eh und je gewohnt war. Weil das Rad so schön fährt, möchte ich es gern behalten, fühle mich aber mit den Handbremsen unsicher. Bis jetzt halte ich den Lenker mit Daumen und Zeigefinger fest, um mit den anderen Fingern die Bremse zu ziehen, wenn es erforderlich ist. Das geht eigentlich, aber problematisch wird es, wenn ich schalten muss und gleichzeitig den Arm als Blinker ausstrecken muss.

Wie macht Ihr das, die Ihr ohne Rücktritt fahrt?

Für eine Antwort bedanke ich mich.

Liebe Grüße

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2 years ago

By doing it before you have to make an emergency brake.

The goal to get to stand as fast as possible without getting into the spin or lifting too far with the rear wheel.

The way. First try the brakes individually. And the saddle so deep that you get your feet well on the ground. The arms during braking are always braced on the handlebar.

With the rear wheel brake, you will soon get to the point where the rear wheel begins to slide, and usually break out sideways when the braking force increases. This can be controlled at this moment by braking much less again, or not at all.

The front wheel brake seems to be at the risk of getting off the handlebar quickly. But if you don’t sit on a race bike, 10cm above the handlebar height, it’ll take an amazing long time.

This area until you have the feeling that the rear wheel would get rid of the floor, or you should try it. Slowly increasing, of course. Here, too, when you release the brake quickly, the rear wheel comes down again. A (high quality) exactly doseable brake facilitates these exercises.

In any case, it is worth being able to operate in a moment of horror, today’s, quite powerful brakes, because exercised, controlled.

And using only the rear wheel brake means a 3-4 times longer braking path or untrained, fully braked, a laterally slipping rear wheel.

2 years ago

Turn down the mountain, so at the same time brake and give hand signs, is not so easy. If you don’t mind, you have to do it one by one. Brakes, hand signs, brakes, hand signs…

Switching should not be a problem. You know where you’re going.

2 years ago

It goes without problems, you just have to drive a little more foreseeable.

First of all, it is important that you brake primarily with the rear wheel, otherwise you risk the descent via the handlebar in the form of a hit. Otherwise, before the bending process it is necessary to reduce its speed in time, so that the actuation of a brake during the handmark is sufficient, you can still switch later (it is not a car that is then strangled).

2 years ago

I usually hold the handlebar around both sides with all the fingers. If the situation requires braking readiness, I put index and middle fingers loosely on the brake lever, but keep the steering rod fixed with the other fingers.

If I only have to brake easily, I always only brake with the rear wheel.

2 years ago

Take all your fingers out of the thumb. ( Unless you have two-finger brake levers, then use index and middle fingers to brake). Usually a brake is enough to actuate, then you can hold the handlebar with the other hand.