Wie bleibe ich vom Zucker fern?
Ich merke, dass Zucker mir aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht gut tut. Ich möchte, si lange es noch nkcht zu spät ist so gut es geht auf Zucker verzichten, nur fällt mir das sehr schwer. Am Abend nach dem Abendessen noch Kekse oder so, ist einfach das beste. Kaffe ohne Zucker? So gut wie unmöglich. Gibt immer wieder Situationen, wo ich lust auf Süssen habe und da wird es sehr schwer. Ich kenne Xylit, aber ist das wirklich so gesund.? Im Internet sieht man auch immer wieder Süssichkeiten, wo aussehen wie die normalen die man im Laden kaufen kann, einfach hald nicht ungesund. Ich kann mir aber einfach nicht vorstellen, dass die auch genau so schmecken.
Kennt sich da jemand mit dem Thema aus, oder hat schon selber Erfahrungen gemacht?
A week of sugar withdrawal and you have no appetite for candy.
Basically, the body needs sugar, without it will not go. Even in fruits and vegetables, sugar is always included. So I wouldn’t be paying attention to it like that. Finally, the low-carb does not mean no-carb
I’ll write you some alternatives
Sweets -> Fruit / fruit salad
yogurt -> Quark, honey, fruit
As a sweetener -> Honey or Dattelsirup as both contain many nutrients
It’s important to try to increase from week to week, but if you don’t want to play at the top in bodybuilding or in martial sports but sports etc for you, an 80 healthy diet and 20% what you like diet is enough.
Take a look at shops with a wide range of organic products such as Budni etc. They have something that is not sweetened with sugar, but something else, more nutritious and does not chase the blood sugar level so high. Are very tasty things that do not have to hide behind industrial stuff.
Disadvantage: The stuff has its price.
Since I almost don’t buy any industrially produced food, there’s a lot of sugar going away.
For coffee and tea (and partly also for cooking) I take oat milk concentrate. This cereal drink has a natural sweetness. Since I’ve been using oat milk, there’s no more industrial sugar in coffee or tea.
When I wanted to stop with sugar, I saw coffee and tea without sugar as a big problem, but through the oat drink this has dissolved in air and I have almost never more liked sweetness.
And if so, I’ll do something myself. A small pancake with self-made jam also takes hardly longer than a bag of ripening cookies 😂.
Since I do not buy industrially produced food, I have become very creative myself. And so the possibilities I can have appetite are correspondingly versatile and not limited to sweetness.
Through this transition, my life has gained quality and I spend much less money.
Thank you. You wrote that you spend less money. I always thought you’d spend more when you want to live healthier.
😂 – well. I went a few years ago to buy the complete remnant box in the organic shop. At home I then sort out in which order that is eaten and whether I process something then to make it durable.
For example, I buy pizza trays on processed foods. I always order a cardboard full in the organic shop and get 10% discount.
If, for example, many tomatoes with places are in the rest box and then one or two eggplants, then I smile from it a wonderful pizza plating. I’ll fill this in screw glasses. Once I had a lot of broccoli. I put it in sweet-suer.
I also eat wild herbs such as Giersch, Brennessel and also Kohlrabi leaves, e.g.
The trick is, I think, when you buy unprocessed food, you get a completely different relationship to what you eat.
If I buy the remaining box at the Bioladen, for example, I pay 25 Euros and get there for 2 weeks. But I’m also getting back on supplies. I buy dinkel flour in a 25 kg bag, Kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes at least in 5 kg bag.