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to walk to the city bus from the bus to the city.
the weekly purchase but by car.
GG`S path to work is somewhat more flexible.
Early shift with Öffis (his AG) per night connection. To get home from the city.
Late shift he takes the car to the farm to drive to the city by road,
And to get home faster after the entrance from the farmyard by car.
We don’t have wheels anymore. I went to work with that before the early retirement. But just like driving a car, cycling for epileptics is not such a great idea. I’m supposed to drive what the doctors should sue for.
For routes that are too far to run car.
And if it’s too far for the car, I’d fly, too, but it rarely happens. Last flew 7 years ago.
Wheel is always the first choice. Fast enough to make km. Slow enough to see something.
I’m running from the bathroom to the kitchen.
Everything except public transport.
I’m using my legs to run away. Need to buy a small one with the bike. I also use the bike in beautiful weather for the way to work. The car is always used when the weather is bad or has to be transported much heavy (weekly purchase for example).
It may also be a flyer abroad, with this also falling slightly…
I don’t use Öffis because too expensive, too inflexible, too long on the go, too grounded, masquerade and the audience doesn’t fit me. Just now with the 9€ ticket… It’s going down your back in an ice-cold manner when you look in there when you’re passing…
Usually. I’d rather be walking on the example.
Definitely car and stays like that.
Assorted by frequentity:
Otherwise, I almost always prefer PNV over car. If the factor plays with the city, in the country it would be different.
Or walk, where you can’t reach so much on foot here in the village. Otherwise, I depend on the ÖPNV. Don’t have a car or something else. Get in the train! Luckily, I don’t have to worry about the fare. My SBA or my disability must be good for anything. How much money I have already saved! You can’t imagine that. I’d get a collapse, I’d have to pay all the fare.
If there’s some movement on the tracks, then by train. However, the current ones have quite a standstill. I regularly get the App Info train falling out
In everyday use by bike or on foot.Other trips are welcome by train. Occasionally I rent a car (Carsharing).
I can’t say flat.
You don’t fly to work or kiosk every day by plane? Shame should you xD
No joke. A staffer asks a Muslim candidate: “We must first check if they do not come to work with the plane.”
It depends. When I meet with friends, I usually drive by bike. But if I want to go to town, I usually go by train and subway.
Bicycle or motorcycle, mostly. Rare (just once every one or two months) even car, but it usually just stands in the garage. Intense kilometer use experiences motorcycle.
Nen 125er scooter still exists, but it is hardly used – makes hardly any difference from consumption compared to motorcycle (750s) and offers less storage space (in topcase and side case from the motorcycle fits more than under the seat from the scooter)
Actually, I almost had to click on everything… Depending on the situation.
Among the most commonly used means of transportation are with me, e-sooter and car (where I can’t drive my own car as I’m only 14)… on foot I’m also often on my way
Velo and sometimes in combination with the train
Mostly by car or by bike.
But of course, come to where I want to go.
Mostly with my E-Scooter ^^
Fully practical and can always flex before friends ikr
For the most part, I’m on my way by car, but I’m on foot.
I don’t know how to work
Much by bike, otherwise ÖPNV and also on foot.
I don’t have a car or a motorcycle or a driver’s license.
I therefore always drive by tram and bus or by train.
And definitely….
barefoot!!! 🙂
Why barefoot
I like to travel barefoot in warmth. Do not have any problem with driving barefoot train or bus. I don’t need any shoes for shopping or sightseeing. 😉
It is always the most beautiful
and therefore not tangible (almost pointless) question.
where? vo rallem after you have plane in. in the holiday, of course, I take a plane rather than a car. in the work the far bus would also be a strange choice. to my parents (200km) I wouldn’t run too far….
I’ll tell you the car because the main traffic is all day.
The proven 46s.
Always on time
Good morning, I’m on foot as I don’t have a car, love greeting
Hi, I think you chose the wrong option:)
Sorry you’re right
By car or then to fuss. At least I don’t have to bear the stinking people.
As a teenager in the pot unavoidable
Mostly by bus. Occasionally by train.
As good as ever
Train, as well as run and soon motorcycle
always with car
Now on holiday only by car. To school by bus or by car.
Mostly with the bike for shorter distances or on foot.
To the foot.
Survey meaningless as several options are possible.
I’m very sorry about my heart. Unfortunately, you can’t add over 7 options. Bruh
Carts… I’m not walking…
O God. I forgot.
Mostly by car.
the e-bike is still missing in the list.stau as the picture I do not live at the country
I’ll drive by car.
Car + plane. Perfect.
Or walk
I don’t need a car.
Yes Bus…
Right, with these three. Today Roller 🙂