Wie biete ich der Sparkasse die Stirn?
Moin, ich muss bis 02.04. 40.000 € auf einem Konto in Malta haben.
Habe diverse ETFs, usw. aufgelöst, voraussichtliche Ankunft der 40 k auf meinem Girokonto dürfte der Montag/Dienstag sein.
Hab ich das Zeug dann bis 02.04. in Malta oder wird die Sparkasse da wieder Faxen machen “Haben Sie diese Überweisung ausgeführt?”, “Woher haben Sie das Geld?”, Überweisungslimit, etc. “In Malta sitzen Betrüger …”
Die Sparkasse ist da schon kernbehindert, ist die Commerzbank zu bevorzugen?
Kann man das ganze irgendwie vorbereiten bis Dienstag schon mal? Sparkasse vorwarnen oder so?
Was ist zu tun?
There are no problems. You can transfer the money as soon as it is on your account. It’s a little time to go. Evtl. you have to unlock your foreign limit. But that’s just for your safety.
Do you have any problems with the Sparkasse?
Foreign transfers of over 12,500 euros are subject to registration.
It is now also normal that reputable banks also ask for such transfers.
But maybe you’ll ask the Sparkasse, they can help you.
There are not “the savings banks”, but some 350 different savings banks, which also behave differently in such questions.
This can hardly be answered in general.
So, Comdirect, who belongs to the Comerzbank, had made an obvious fraudulent debit from my credit card and I never got the money back. I’d rather leave myself for 2 days with a transfer, don’t do anything on the last pusher than my account is a self-conditional store.
Aua. 🤦
You could have said that kindly, but that’s what character is needed…. it is not all
It is normal that the question is being asked in such cases, especially when the direction of well-known problematic countries goes. If that’s what you’re doing, don’t you keep everything on the last second time, huh?