Wie bewirbt man sich bei einem Verlag?
Ich (W18) möchte Autorin werden und mich bei einem Verlag bewerben. Das Manuskript werde ich in der Kürze schreiben und vollenden, jedoch fällt es mir schwer, zu finden, wie genau die Bedingungen sind. Mein Buch würde ich gerne auf Englisch schreiben, was schon mal das erste Hindernis darstellt. Kann ich von Deutschland aus mein Buch auf Englisch veröffentlichen durch einen Verlag? Und ich weiß gar nicht, ob es einen Unterschied macht, je nach Genre und Zielgruppe, bei welchem Verlag man sich genau bewirbt.
Ich freue mich über jegliche Antworten. Vielen Dank!
The prospects for success with regard to a publication by a classic publishing house are, in principle, at most about 2 – 3 percent for a new author – and the younger is a pure hobby author, the moremore unlikely publication.
If you continue to write your book in English, I assume that it is your native language. If this is not the case, please leave. School English doesn’t want to read anyone abroad!
There are now three realistic possibilities for new authors:
Possibility one:The most disgusting: You googlest specifically for audience publishers who also serve your topic in their range. (It obviously doesn’t make sense, e.g., to approach a publisher of sports literature with a pirate novel.) Then the further procedure looks as follows: You send a “blind” readingReading sampleto your finished work (so never complete manuscript! The tip “Send your manuscript to a publisher” would be the first novice error!) Means: Around 30 book pages, ideally of course the best, not necessarily the beginning of the book. These must be completely error-free and read correction, otherwise they immediately migrate into the “round folder”.
Add an exposé plus table of contents to the sample – and then it is called to wait and drink tea, because in no case you can make a call later. “Quengeltelefonate” does not like publishing houses at all (because they usually suffocate to unsolicited manuscripts – and therefore rather go “genervt” to new projects). This might allow you to set up a door that was already open a gap wide. No-Go! The game rule is: you either report to yourself – or you don’t do it, which then also comes to a rejection. For you as a newcomer, this means that youabove average goodhave to be so that your reading sample just “skin” the editorate. However, this is quite possible, even if only with small chances, because otherwise there would be no new authors at all, such as the teacher son Bastian Bielendorfer with his then Newcomer-Bestseller “Lifelong Pausenhof”. Calculate in up to 50 cancellations, is like an application. But with a little luck, there’s no. 51 a promise!
Possibility two:Self publishing. Here you take all threads in your hand and have to worry about layout, text design and correction as well as price calculation and distribution. It is important for you to know that further marketing of the same work via an audience publisher is hardly possible. This way would be locked up in most cases. But it would be a real entry for the first work. If this sells, it would be a good reference for an audience publisher if you want to publish your second book. Disadvantage: There are now a lot of shame and crap at the now almost unmistakable market of the self-publishers, so that even a really good book on this way goes down quickly, is not considered and can disappear in the sinking.
Three–and be careful to warn you:
You go to a so-called pressure cost supplement, payment or pseudo publisher on the glue. The process then looks as follows: You write such a company (for a reason) and, within a few days, you will receive an anointing letter that you are absolutely enthusiastic about your work – and the so-called “Lektoratskonferenz” will definitely support a publication –if you pay for it.These writings are extremely manipulative and skillful, and so many a hopeful hobby writer feels really taken seriously for the first time, but I can only say:Be careful!This “supply” would publish every school job and every shopping ticket if you pay for it. I’m glad to see youbetween 1,500,- and 30,000,- Euro, which the author is to turn! But there is no serious publishing house, whichto bear entrepreneurial risk and therefore to be presented at all costs(these can be at the level of the price for a small car, therefore publishers are also quite selective) and after a fixed period of time the fee is paid to the author – depending on the number of books sold until then (usually, about 10 percent of the publishing turnover). However, a pseudo-publisher no longer has to sell books, because the money is already earned by the naive writer. These publishing houses are easily recognized on the web in advertising“Verlag searchesAuthors”what does not happen in reality (!). The privileged distribution services of these houses can be described as dragging to negligence; the printed products go to Halde somewhere – and in the editors of the daily press you already know his poplars. Books from print cost supplements are immediately transferred to the waste paper.
I wish good luck!
Look here on this page, you’d have to find everything that’s important, but remember that it’s really difficult to put in a publishing house as a newcomer
As an unknown author, starting to land at a classic publishing house is not easy – and this applies regardless of how good the book is. If it works, it can take a long time before the book is published or you have to make a big deal with layout, content and scope, depending on the editorate specifications and marketing requirements of the publisher. If you want to keep the design and publication time in hand, you can Self-publishing the right way for you.
Author is when the first book goes to the market.
The publisher is applying for an employment contract. e.g. to work in the Secretariat not to write books. Max has puzzles and what else comes out this week.
I will write and complete the manuscript shortly,
Very good. But please the book.
This is just the genre that covers publishers. Economy, children’s books novels.
I didn’t think about this, but I sent two novels. The result was both published in D 10,000SM or 3000 sfr.
Not for me. So if you have the money, you have fire.
You don’t apply for that.
Do that, don’t think of a publisher before.
The publisher must find the book well
I agree with you
Theoretical already
Oh, you should be smart. That makes a big difference. And then ask for author agents. They’re more important.