How do you prove to the tax office that the kilometers traveled by a company car were mostly driven for the company?

It's about tax deduction. How do you prove that the company car was mostly used for the company?

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2 years ago

Ideally, a mobile book is run.

if necessary only over a representative period of several months to prove that it is used to over 50% operating. then the 1% method can be used for private trips.

2 years ago
Reply to  HerrBang

Per month, 1% (ggf plus 0.03% per km between the apartment and the establishment) is taken into account by the gross list price at the time of the first registration as a private withdrawal, while the current costs are expense.

2 years ago

There’s only one way. You guide a travel book and document every journey with time and distance, start and destination and reason etc.

Otherwise, the 1% rule is applied.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dannychii

for the 1% control, however, the vehicle must be operated at least 50%. If this is doubtful, a travel book may be kept for a representative period

2 years ago

Travel book, only as possible.

It must be properly managed and meet the standard requirements, it does not do all this: 1%

2 years ago
Reply to  anTTraXX

for the 1% control, however, the vehicle must be operated at least 50%. If this is doubtful, a travel book may be kept for a representative period

2 years ago
Reply to  Stefan1248

But it’s rarely done with employees.

2 years ago

This is not the case in principle.

But to answer your question:

Basically, expenses you make during the operation are operating expenses that reduce your profit.

2 years ago

You should urgently seek a tax advisor, that’s not mean evil. But your questions, and your findings, show that you are simply missing many tax bases. This is also nothing discardable or so, but should be made/monitored by a professional.

2 years ago

He doesn’t pay taxes, he pays taxes.

These are fixed by a tax decision, in the normal case a declaration or registration has been made beforehand.

Is that for your company?

2 years ago

Well, in the form of the subject “Auto”

2 years ago


Let’s take the AN to get 4,000€ gross, because in tax class 1 about 650€ pay tax would be due.

But now the AN has a company car that has a gross list price of 40.000€, makes 400€ more pay per month which is “paid”, so instead about 760€ pay tax would be due.

2 years ago

The 1% represents wages, which increases the basis of assessment for wages.

Of course, the AN only gets the payout and keeps the car.

2 years ago

1% scheme

If 1% of the gross list price is plus special items per month of use, the pay tax deduction is added. Thus, the AN pays more pay tax, as the company car is a so-called. This is in line with §8EStG’s wage.

The travel book will guide workers by themselves if they want to save money.

2 years ago

Travel book! There’s in there when and where and what route, KM, etc.

2 years ago

There is the travel book.

2 years ago

Don’t you have to run a travel book for the car?