How do you personally assess the Russian Revolution and the victory of the communists in the civil war?

Is it good that things turned out this way? Or would it be better if the Russian Empire still existed? Or perhaps a Russian Republic under Kolchak if the White Army had won? Of course the Soviet Union industrialised Russia, modernised it, turned it into a nuclear power with a strong army and even into a space-faring nation… but many people also died and Russian traditions, culture and religion were severely suppressed. Without the Soviet Union there would probably have been no Cold War and no today's hatred between East and West. The Russian Empire was a country of composers, poets and authors… whereas later the Soviet Union was only associated with threat, militarism and poverty.

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2 years ago

Stalin, a direct consequence of the coup, was Supergau.

But… without the mess of the broken monarchy? Then the German Japanese border would have run in Siberia in 1942.

For Russia the choice between Pest and Cholera. For Europe of decline.

I also think that so-called world order would have led to the nuclear war, and I mean more than 2 bombs.

2 years ago

The coup against the democratically elected government was illegal and it should never have existed. But it happened and we have to live with it.

2 years ago

If the Whites had defeated, I suspected there was a new civil war in foreseeable time. On the one hand, the legally elected government and on the other, the monarchists who wanted to reconstruct a tsarist kingdom. Moreover, wars in all places as peoples wanted to fight freedom and state independence from the respective Russian Empire.

If one wants to hold together a multinational, multicultural and multiethnic giant kingdom, it can only be done with the most brutal dictator, see Lenin, Stalin, Putin.

If Koltschak had defeated, peace would not have been inevitable. I guess they would have fought against them, I refer to Genetal Judenitsch. Even the mad mass murderer of Ungern- Sternberg would certainly have marched to the west with his armies from Asia and the east of the empire to join.

If it were possible to destroy the Bolsheviks, much misery and hunger would not have happened, especially not the Holodomor – but there would have been other wars, other misery.

But communism would save the world.

2 years ago

War hold ne idea — miss