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2 years ago

You have the odds of the Quintenzirkel: “Geh Du Alte Ente Holen FISche” and “Fresh Brötchen ESsen ASse DES GESangs”. The 1st note is for the cross sign and the 2nd for b sign. The initial letters tell you which conductors you have to write. For G major, for example, it is a cross, so you know how many crosses you have to put in the conductor (here one is a fis). Then you write all the sounds from the first g to the second. The sounds are always a whole tone step away from each other. However, there are also half-tone steps (in the case of thirsty tone conductors at the 3rd and 4th and 7th and 8th and in the case of minor tone conductors 2nd and 3rd and 4th and 5th). You just have to put a cross at F to make it a fiss. After that, you should check if all and halftone steps are correct.

2 years ago
Reply to  Differentcrazy

Do you need to learn by heart

2 years ago

The quinten circle could prove helpful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Verofant

Magicbamboo wrote these spells to you – the initial letters of the words you will find in their order at your quint circle. In the clockwise G-D-A-E-FIS – there are always the cross signs and their number and also WELCHES.

Fis -cis – gis – dis – ais – eis .

Left of the C counterclockwise the same with the b sign.

The sound conductors


With the sign


Always one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Muktamani

Upps…. The signs are naturally buzzing, but you see that in the circle.