Wie besteht man die Aussiebemodule an der Uni?
In meinem einen Fach habe ich die bereits bestanden, aber im meinem anderen Fach „Englisch“ muss ich die noch machen.
Was kann ich tun, damit ich bestehe? Ich lerne schon wie verrückt trotzdem mache ich noch Fehler. Uns wurde auch von den Dozenten gesagt, dass es normal sei 2-3 Male durch diese Module durchzufallen.
Learning and not trusting that it is sufficient with the “learning” what one is accustomed to Abitur. With how little effort you get an accompaniment nowadays is spooky and probably leads many starters to merciless self-examination. The phenomenon of “sewing module” is rather an illusion, which arises if one does not want to admit that annual inflation of the abitur notes occurs and some universities, fortunately, fight against it by keeping the level of their exams constant.
Thank you. I’ve been learning for this exam for months, but I feel that it’s still not enough.
First of all, find out what makes the modules so difficult.
People ask they passed.
First and second subjects sound like a teacher.
And do you win?
Thanks, people asked. They said what I’m doing was right. You can’t do much more…Yes, even at the teacher’s office, what I can’t understand. I am glad that at least I passed all modules in German.