Wie bereitet man das zu?
Und sind die Pancakes schon drinnen?
Hey, wisst ihr vielleicht, was ich tun kann, damit mein koenic kwa 3221 Waffeleisen an geht. Ich hab den bis jetzt nur 2 Mal benutzt und wollte den wieder benutzten aber der geht nicht an. Das der kaputt ist kann nicht sein, weil ich nichts großartiges damit gemacht habe. Was ich aber weiß ist, dass…
Moin. Ich habe meinen ersten Geschirrspüler seit 30 Jahren und bin raus was das Wissen angeht. Frage 1: Beim ersten Leerlauf ohne Geschirr, hat die Maschine ganze 30 Minuten getrocknet. Beim zweiten quasi richtigen ersten Durchgang, hat das Trocknen nur noch 15 Minuten gedauert. Warum? Frage 2: Während des Trocknens hat die Maschine plötzlich angefangen…
Im Rezept steht rohrohrpuderzucker, kann ich auch einfach normalen Puderzucker nehmen?
Hallo in die Runde! Ich habe mit vielen Lebensmitteln Probleme. Da Eier sehr gesund und gut zum abnehmen sind, würde ich sie dennoch gerne essen. Allerdings finde ich A) die Konsistenz sehr abneigent, wenn das Eigelb irgendwie flüssig ist, oder beim braten vom öl und/oder Eiweiß diese gelben, harten Ränder entstehen. B)Der wichtigste Grund, ist…
The shape of the bag indicates that it is powder.
You then mix it according to instructions (which is usually on the back), probably with water or milk, so that a dough is created and then you roast it.
And then is the protein pancake produced?
The process is actually on the back of the pack:
Stir powder with milk or water, bake in a pan and the pancakes are ready
Okay, so if the powder is stirred with warm water or milk (in the pan), then the pancakes are formed?
that is probably to be stirred with milk, and then roasted in the pan in a scoop
Sounds plausible. Do you like protein pancakes?
no, I like self-made papkins,
and yes, I can make papkins
I’m sure there’ll be a guide.
There’s definitely Powder. This is powder to stir with water or milk and then bake pankakes yourself.
So how now? I’ll take this with water or milk and then my protein pancakes will be created?
You buy the stuff, and the rest is on it. And since when did you touch something and make pancakes? Are you Harry Potter? I’ve been screwing up.
It is powder
Just powder? Okay, so that the pancakes are created, you have to fry that in the pan or how?
How to use BioTechUSA Protein Pancake Powder?
Recommended application:Mix 40 g (3 purified tablespoons) of the powder with 50 ml of water and leave the mixture to rest for 1 minute. The amount is sufficient for 2–3 smaller or 1 large pancakes. fry the pancake with little oil in a pan with medium heat on both sides golden brown (approximately 1 minute on each side.)
Like all products from BioTechUSA, protein pancake is made from harmless and carefully selected ingredients.
You need 40g for 2-3 small pancakes. If in a bag are 1000g, you can make 50-75 small pancakes or 25 large.
Okay. So that the pancakes are created, you have to fry that in the pan? And only 2-3 smaller pancakes are already little
It’s on the back of the pack.
Tap powder. This is mixed with liquid….
And from this the pancakes arise? Or is there only powder and pancakes you buy separately?
What do you mean?
It’s just powder.