Wie berechnet man folgenden Ersatzwiderstand?

Guten Abend,

ich kenne mich bei den Verschachtelungen nicht aus. Die Parallel- und Serienwiderstände sind quer durchgemischt.

vielen Dank im Voraus!!

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2 years ago

This is actually a series circuit of R5 & R1 parallel to R3 & R4. Only that in the middle the bridge resistor R2 is.

Well, if that’s not clear, I’d like to change the circuit.

To calculate, I would make a triangular star transformation. Because R5, R3 and R2 – or R4, R1 and R2 each form a triangular circuit. You can transform one of the two into a star circuit and then easily calculate the replacement resistance.

2 years ago
Reply to  AMG38

I just wanted to write that. 😉

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stern Triangle Transformation

2 years ago

You can first let R2 go and instead attach two terminals A, B:

Without R2, the resistance between L-R is simply 7||6 kOhm.

Now you have to Correction factor Find out which results from adding R2:

First you close the input terminals L-R short. At A-B you measure as resistance

4||3 + 1||5 kOhm

Now you leave the L-R input terminals open. On A-B, you’ll take it

5||8 kOhm

The total resistance with R2 is therefore

with Correction factor (2 + 4||3 + 1||5)/(2 + 5||8) = 0.8957

Rges = 7||6 * (2 + 4||3 + 1||5)/(2 + 5||8) kOhm = 2,894 kOhm