Wie berechnet man die Gitterkonstante b?
ich habe eine Aufgabe in Physik und muss die Gitterkonstante berechnen.
Gegeben ist dafür:
Gittertyp: 150 Linien/mm
b in mm
Meine Rechnung wäre gewesen:
aber dabei kommt eine sehr kleine Zahl raus (0,006667) ist das trotzdem richtig oder habe ich irgendwas falsch gemacht?
Your bill is in principle correct, even if the physicist always bleeds a little in my heart when the units are so slippery and an important instrument of self-examination is dispensed with.
This is certainly in the (upper) range of typical optical gratings, as you here
https://www.studysmarter.de/school/physics/optical grid/
(Citat: The grating constant is the distance between two adjacent grating lines or points on the optical grating. It is normally measured in micrometers (μm) or nanometers (nm).)
With “glitter constant” I always think of crystallography and was therefore very confused with this issue. Thanks for dissolving the confusion.
b = 1 / 150 mm