How do you calculate the box rental? Is the incline justified?
Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything online, and I'm wondering if this is okay. I've been paying the stable owners €260 a month for my horse. But now, starting November 1st, the price is set to increase by €50. I know our stable isn't expensive, but is this price justified, or is it permissible to raise the price by almost 20 percent from now on?
Brief key data:
– Recreational riders
– My horse (Tinker Mix) height 1.53 cm and weight about 500 kg
– Riding arena 20x40m (lit if required)
– Riding hall 10x30m (lit if required)
– Indoor box of approx. 3x3m
– pasture or paddock walk throughout the day, at night in the box
– no full board, mucking out has to be done by yourself as well as removing manure from the meadows or paddocks
– Horse walker (illuminated if required) was NOT included in the price
– Round pen (lit if needed)
– heated tack room with chip system
– unheated riding room
– 30 horses (3 over 1.70m and 6 Shetland/Welsh Pony size, the rest are approximately Haflinger size)
– Horses are put in and out Monday to Saturday, on Sundays only out and the stables take turns bringing in
– Masks are worn, no blanket/bell service
Is there perhaps a formula that can be used to calculate the value of this stable's box rental?
A price increase would probably be due anyway. And in the current inflation, along with energy prices and uncertain times, 50 € more per month are completely comprehensible.
If you already think of lighting the riding facilities and the heated saddle chamber. Agricultural vehicles need a lot of diesel. And the stable operators also want to live; that food has become more expensive by 20 to 25 percent, you certainly have not escaped.
The short version:
8 000 Euro / 20 years / 12 = 33 Euro
Base and bottom of box 12*500/100*2/12 = 10 Euro
Maintenance costs 8 000 Euro / 20 years / 12 = 33 Euro
Weidezaun electric plastic 1 horse a hectare 70 meters *7,5/4/12 =11 Euro
Pacht of pasture 300 Euro/12 =25 Euro
Towing, post-sewing and rolling costs only about 45 €/ha /12 = 3.75 Euro
115.75 Euro the pure boxes, without other benefits.
Reitplatz 20x40m Creation costs 30 000 Euro durable approx. 10 years incl. maintenance approx. 15 Euro the month per horse
in some 216 000 lumens approx. 2900 watts in LED/ or in about 10 000 watts in halogen or in about 1 Euro / 3.5 Euro the hour lighting
Reithalle 10x30m (if required illuminated)????
Costs of production 120 000 Euro 30 years incl. maintenance approx. 25 Euro per horse
in some 81 000 lumens approx. 1080 Watt in LED/ or about 4764 Watt in halogen or about 0.38 Euro / 1.66 Euro the hour lighting
At 30 horses you already need a 3/4 place
30*21.75 Euro*13/3*14/12/30=110 Euro Staff costs per horse and month
hay per ton 175 euros (600 kilos horse about 10 kilos hay) in about 52 euros
Straw per ton 105 Euro 10 kilos per day in about 32 Euro
Additional costs 234 EUR
🤣 from half, I got out mentally. But stark, detailed listing 👍😄
Reithalle 10x30m (if required illuminated)????
Costs of production 120 000 Euro 30 years incl. maintenance approx.25Euro per horse
Uh… yeah. But if the SB is Bauer at the same time, he declares the hall as the equipment hall and also collects subsidies for it, The hall of the farmhouse in which I used to be, was exactly a 60’s hall, but only 40 m as the riding hall. The rest for tractors etc…
The times have been over for a long time, today customs and office of order are on the mat.
Well, I don’t know how the average prices are in your area. With us in the area you would pay at least 400. But like everything, horsekeeping has become much more expensive.
My small stable community has been swallowed by the neighboring stable on 1.9. Our four horses continue to live in the two open valleys they are used to. And by service nothing has changed for us. Self-mists are still being told. Okay, we don’t have to feed hay anymore. On the two paddocks, a hay bale is placed in transportable caterpillars, but as it looks, it will reach for a week for two horses each. We pay 200 euros a month more than before. Admittedly, it was only the cost price before.
The SB must be sure. You don’t have a tenant protection for your horse. He can also increase the rent by 1000 -euro and more, who wants to stop him?
Of course this is justified! It’s already clear that the prices increase exorbitantly….? From power via hay, fuel for machines, etc.
In any case, it seems to be cheap to you that various services have not yet been awarded.
With us (near Munich) you pay for such a stable from 500-600€. And just 20% more I find very moderate in view of the current circumstances anyway. There are x stable operators that have significantly increased prices.
In addition, you are free to go if you do not agree with the increase. There is even a special right to cancel and you can go directly. Observationsto find cheaper with comparable equipment, I dare to doubt.
Thank you for your answer. That it is not much under the line I also know but that came now quite suddenly for us as they said a month ago the prices are not increased. I was just talking about a comparison, and I will of course pay it and not go for it!
It is also to be assumed that many price increases have not been adjusted to the adjustment prices in recent years and now it is 20% and not 5% because the other 15% have already been made in recent years.
If I’m thinking that the municipal works have just increased the gas bill by 50%…
Try to find what is cheaper 😉
Or count out what feed costs etc monthly, plus the working hours that the stable operator has. There’s probably not much left.
So the horse stable next to us went suddenly from 380 to over 500 last year. Thinking that is legitimate