Wie berechnet das Finanzamt die Steuererklärung?

  • Ich habe verstanden wie der zu versteuernde Betrag ermittelt wird
  • Ich habe auch verstanden wann das Finanzamt eine Nachzahlung fordert. Wenn man nicht genug Steuern an das Finanzamt abgeführt hat.

Jetzt stelle ich mir aber die Frage, wie weiß ich denn ob ich genug Steuern an das Finanzamt abgeführt habe? Gibt es da in Verbindung mit den Einnahmen einen Rechengrundsatz?

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2 years ago

Is there a calculation principle in connection with the revenue?

Yes, but not in connection with revenue, but with the income to be taxed. This results in income tax with corresponding calculation formulas. And the difference to the advance payment must then be repaid or you get something back, depending on the.

2 years ago

For employees, the employer calculates the tax to be deducted.

For other types of tax, the tax office is given its income, e.g. income from industrial activity, securities, etc. On the basis of this statement, the FA sets the income tax.

2 years ago

Look in the Section 32a EStG
There you find the fare, so the tax is calculated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chocolate700

zvE of 115.00 means the tariff according to 32a (1) S1 No 4 EStG (0.42 · x – 9 972,98).

The size “x” is the income to be taxed rounded to a full euro amount.

Ergo results from the following formula.
0.42 x 115.000€ – 9972,98

The resulting tax amount shall be rounded off to the next full euro amount.

And Zack you have your result

2 years ago

By inserting 0.0001.

2 years ago


The trade tax is paid to every entrepreneur of the taxable income, provided that it exceeds €24,500.
In the case of individual contractors, the weight is reduced up to a lifting rate of 400.

I better not start with the sales tax now.

2 years ago

When are you individual entrepreneurs?

If a trader works alone without the participation of other persons (as a shareholder) and does not establish a company for his activity, e.g. a “one-person-gmbH”, he is Individual entrepreneurs.

https://www.ihk.de/berlin/service-und-beratung/recht-und-steuer/firma-und-rechtsformen/rechtsformen-fuer-unternehmen/ Einzelunternehmen-2253550

2 years ago

I think this leads a little too far to explain everything here, we should first take care of the initial question

2 years ago

Individual entrepreneurs can also have employees

2 years ago

the individual entrepreneurs in the form of the ESt yes, but there are still the benefits.

2 years ago

So I won’t explain the basic calculations now

https://de.wikihow.com/use of a computer

2 years ago

I have already had

2 years ago

have you looked at §32a?

2 years ago

Very simple; there are control tables. The taxable income is decisive. You can see this amount with a look into the table.
Either basic table or split table, the latter if you are officially verheuratet.

2 years ago
Reply to  blackbarefoot


2 years ago

For a trade, you can note the following tip from clicktipps.de:

Anyone who has registered a trade or freelancer is obliged to submit an income tax statement.

The result is a profit or loss. In the simplest case, this one number is entered in the first line of Appendix G (for trade) or Appendix S (for freelance activities) for income tax returns. In more complicated cases, you should consult the FA or a tax advisor.

Profit leads to higher taxes in the tax ruling. The previously beloved tax repayments will be lower or a tax repayment may arise. Loss reduces taxes, tax repayment can be incurred.

The same applies to freelance workers.

Urgent recommendation:

I should definitely withdraw from my profit the money that is later used for income tax, e.g. on an extra account, in order not later to get into payment difficulties:

In the first year, one usually does not pay tax, in the second year one makes the income tax declaration for the first year, and then the FA (rightly) wants to receive the tax for the first year and possibly also the same advance payments for the current year. This (actually predictable) event has already destroyed many founders of existence.

The money collected in this case (depending on the personal limit tax rate about 25 to 40% of the profit) prevents this type of self-produced plite.

Even a “small” tax claim of “only” 300 € can hurt if you don’t have the money right now.

Common question (especially of people who start with a (small) company: “What do I have to defer from profit for income tax?”

Standard answer: “This is not exactly what you can say, it depends on the personal tax rate.”

More precisely, the more you earn, the more tax you pay. Depending on the level of income, each newly added income is at a certain level Limit value.

The question of what to pay “for the next one hundred or a thousand euros” of taxes can be resolved with appropriate online calculators: Link 1, Link 2 (with children), Link 3, Link 4 (very short) Link 5 (very detailed).

The following can be said about the “gaaal thick thumb”: if you return about 35% for income tax from your profit, you will not experience a huge shock at the next tax decision, as the limit tax rate is usually between 24% and a maximum of 42%.

For short-term parking of money I recommend e.g. B. a Daily money account (I write) herehow it works. You get attractive interest from the first euro. The money is available daily.

More information can be found here in the links: https://www.klicktipps.de/gewerbe.php

2 years ago

How do I know if I took enough taxes to the tax office?

As a self-employed person, you can find your BWA monthly as your business develops compared to the previous year.

If you are the same as in the previous year, your tax advance payments are approximately sufficient. If you’re over, you’ll have to pay. You should set this amount aside to a daily money account.

Is there a calculation principle in connection with the revenue?

There are income tax tables where you can read the tax you pay.


2 years ago

But now I ask myself how do I know if I have paid enough taxes to the tax office?

If you have any other species, it can be that you still have to repay.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chocolate700

We can try it every way

But have only the idea I have of filling out my own tax return

2 years ago

I don’t know.