Wie benutzt man dieses Blitzgerät?
Bzw. welche Blende muss ich jetzt an der Kamera wählen, einen Wert der am Anfang oder Ende vom Roten Bereich steht?
Bzw. welche Blende muss ich jetzt an der Kamera wählen, einen Wert der am Anfang oder Ende vom Roten Bereich steht?
Hallo, ich habe mir ein Canon RF 24-70 2.8 zugelegt. Das ganze benutze ich an einer Canon EOS R Gestern habe ich ein paar Fotos damit gemacht und festgestellt, dass in machen Bereichen der Brennweite (30-35mm und 70mm) bei einer gewissen Distanz, ich sag mal 10-15m überhaupt kein Fokus möglich ist. Weder manuell noch automatisch…
Moin, ich habe mir eine Sony Alpha 6700 mit dem dazugehörigen Sony 16-50mm Objektiv (Objektiv SEL1650) zugelegt. Allerdings habe ich folgendes Problem: In den Einstellungen kann man sich Kantenhebung anzeigen lassen (die Kanten die fokussiert werden). Im Fotomodus funktioniert alles wunderbar. Sobald ich allerdings die Kantenanhebung im Videomodus anschalte kann ich die Brennweite meines Objektives…
Und zwar möchte ich meine kamera dauerhaft auf 16:9 einstellen. Aber immer wenn ich es in der kamera app über den Pfeil mache, ist es zwar für kurze zeit in dem Format springt dann aber wieder zu 4:3. Wie ändere ich es dass es für immer 16:9 bleibt??
Mit Marke und mindestens aus 2020
the flash stands on automatic ROT at ISO100; i.e. aperture 2.8. range from 11.5 to 1.5 meters
But first of all do not use cameras after 2000 until the ignition voltage problem on the flash shoe has been positively clarified. Until then, only operate via X/FP Sync contact socket.
Otherwise, at the bottom right of the main switch in the middle of the Red White Green slides are the flash automatic wide green and red. White is full performance manuel mode.
In addition, the control number slider/spring calculator is and above this, the range display is dependent on the reflector position. At present, the one on normal (N) probably still exists W (Wide) and T (Tele).
The white cube at the bottom of the base is the test trigger
There are 3 lights
1 x Status glow light Flash On/Standby left
1 x Status light flash loaded/ready. bottom right
1 X Feedback display “Blitz Menge” reached or subsidized for indirect flashes at the top right (Green)
After my memory, the C30S had a plug-in folding disc according to System Braun CT, in addition to WW (28mm) and Tele (90mm) scatter disc and color filter.
Blitz gave with additional contacts flash display in the viewfinder and X time automatic for Revue, Ricoh, Mamiya, Fuji, Minolta, Chinon, Cosina, Konica, Alpa, Interna, Bosch/Bauer, Hanimex, Vivitar,,,,,,
Thank you. have learned something again – now I just have to remember.
Thank you for the detailed answer! A disc was even there that with the flash indicator in the viewfinder I didn’t know yet.
“we” (my photography, camera technology & optics branch of the family) have previously converted various not SCA flash devices or SCA Oldtimer to lightning integration for Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Leica, Minolta, Mamiya, Contax, Pentax including the source/revue flashes from GDR production and Hitachi, Nissin, Koeki and Sunpack basis. But the focus was the conversion of Sunpack, Nissin, Vivitar 283/285 to TTL and conversion of old Braun, Metz and Osram to SCA plate. The devices of the era were still screwed and discretely constructed there was the “simple” possible. In addition, 90% of the same Logiggatter chip was always in it, because one was then “simply” reprogamated (“chip tuning”). There were no guarantees to be made on rebuilding, and there was no guarantee at that time. But at “our” there were 12 months warranty ua because of companies, insituents, doctor’s practices and government customers. At Canon then gave 3 months, otherwise 6 months were ” usual”.
The C30s, C35s, C40s and some pores, Bosch/Bauer, Cullman, Rowi,, came with the 3 pole Bosch standard flash shoe and were easily convertible to Canon (before EOS), for TTL came the 4th contact with Canon because Speedlite T.
The Revue C35s came nmE from Nissin was a bit more powerful than the Speedlite 199, cost a new half and was converted to Canon A series/F1n in 15 minutes and with material for 2 Mark. In principle, both flashes had the same technique. The Speedlite had a flexible circuit board from NEC at Revue gave cable sets. The Speedlite was more massive and had a warmth and sound insulation around the condenser, but was still somewhat more compact. In addition, at 199A the lightning bulb was rarely “black silver” by wear, which was “going or not going”.
There were rumors that the Speedlite A/G/T Blitze developed at the Bosch/Bauer Group and were manufactured via Bosch/Bauer. In other words, the best affordable “civile” thyristor of the era came from Bosch, also the voltage regulator and condenser of Bosch was class leader. Up to the 90s, the Japanese needed to “rebuild” the comparable in large series or Bosch produced the more than 80s in Malaysia and at Bosch/Zexxel in Japan, probably a technical “spinion” was shot.
I always found it funny the Japanese at trade fairs and at visits basically had a Minox A or later EC in the sleeve even if a heavy Nikon F3 or a Leica M was hanging on the neck. The Minox were the Tanto or Kaiken to the Katana. When Japanese came to Wetzlar, they basically went to Minox factory tours. Leica was not interested in this, and if only Leitz/Wild Microsystems.
If the Asians were no longer shining around the technique at trade fairs, they knew that they were “exposed” or the Japanese, Koean, Chinese already worked on something better. The Colani once told the Japanese Economic Minsterium has the largest/best spy department of all Western countries. This is also due to the fact that the Asians are leading in spying technology, the number 1 cup wandered from Japan to Korea to China. That is why it was consistent when most gadgets from 007 came from Japan.
This is a sensor-controlled flash device from analog times. You adjust the middle slider to the film sensitivity, the lower to the desired power. Red = high, white= medium and green=small.
dee upper probably has focal length specifications, I guess N=normal focal length, what else is there? W(eit angle) and T(ele)?
at the left end of the horizontal colored lines stands the aperture. The line shows the automatic range.
Example: on the photo are settings: 21 DIN, great performance. In the normal lens, this includes aperture 2.8 for a flash range of 11 to 1.4 m.
Thank you for the detailed answer. What surprises me, the flash is clearly brighter when the switch stands on “green”.
Right. Dove green against red.
What is set: 3m distance, aperture 11 at 21 din film
The good piece should be from analog times
Yes, obviously
Sorry, I don’t flash. I haven’t dealt with the subject yet. Unfortunately, I do not know how to use this with the digital cameras.