Wie bemale ich einen Gegenstand mit glatter Oberfläche?
(sorry meine Rechtschreibung ist echt mies:’) also… Ich bin gerade dabei mein zimmer umzugestalten und habe mir vorgenommen dafür mein altes Klavier zu bemalen weil ich einfach finde das es mit dem schwarz nicht zu meinem restlichen zimmer passt und ich es darum gerne weiß bemalen würde,aber ich habe leider keine ahnung wie ich das anstellen soll weil ich sowas nochnie gemacht habe… ähm joa und da dachte ich mir das vieleicht einpaar von euch mir helfen könnten oder zumindest irgendwelche tipps für mich haben^^ ( ich werde euch auch ein bild von der Oberfläche des klaviers hinzufügen) dake schonmal im voraus <3
It’ll be a little more complicated. At first, you would have to test at a hidden location whether you have color without touch, or if you need a touch and an adhesion promoter. It can also happen that the plastic is dissolved by the color and deformed into “lusty surface textures”.
Then either the demonting of operating elements or the gluing of sensitive parts occurs. I recommend a combination of adhesive tape and plastic film (PE or PP). Since you don’t have enough control over the order during spraying, I recommend a small foam roll for application plus brush for difficult places. You have to distribute the paint so that the roll continuously emits a loud, uniform “smooth noise” and the paint film is closed everywhere. Then there’s a lot on it that doesn’t go to scratches. It may be that you need two layers until the color film covers well.
Spraying possibly. But I don’t know if white color covers the black so well? Otherwise you can do several layers.
Well, I had thought about it. But I would have too much fear that I would spray something dirty afterwards :’) do you think it works with acrylic or something?
You can do it outside and put a plan under it. And the keys and everything you don’t know should just stick with this tape
Ne I think that would leave
Yeah. Without it, it is not so healthy
Ok thanks for the tip ^^ you have to wear a mask or something?:’) Or is that nontoxic?