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You can’t keep the shoe interior clean.
Apart from the dirt that enters the shoe, by whirling (air) or by foot/sock itself (mechanically), the shoe interior is a breeding ground for bacteria due to the poor air conditioning.
Also, shoes cannot be replaced and cleaned as socks.
Due to the construction of shoes, there are socks that protect our feet.
An object of use which takes over a protective function is correspondingly worn and in this case also dirty, especially in the case of unfavorable colors such as white.
With correct cleaning, you can keep white socks for a long time, otherwise it’s just logical that the color loses.
Put your shoes in the closet and just look at them.
Buy thin insoles and change them regularly.
White socks look beautiful 🙂
Depends on the clothes on it. You like the white socks.
You could regularly change the insole from the shoe. I would be too much effort 🙄
It’s just the sole of the socks where you see it. And that’s what happens even if you just walk around in socks at home. I almost only know there’s that thing and I don’t care 🤷 ♂️
Wash or change insoles more often.
I put in my sneakers Fresh soles (DM, Rossmann) inside. I change these soles weekly. The shoes remain fresh and clean and also smell good.
keep them the longest!
Why not outside?
unused, no one ever runs!
Just carry black socks, the effort is nciht worth
Who’s wearing white socks? Would you like to have tennis socks???