Wie belegt ihr euren Burger, wenn ihr ihn selbermacht?

Ich Belege meinen Burger mit Fleisch, doppelten Käse, Gewürzgurke, Zwiebeln und Tomate. Auf die Brötchen kommen Remoulade und Gewürzketchup drauf.

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3 years ago

When I still ate meat and when I saw a vegan burger eat this:

I make a sauce of fresh tomatoes with spices. It comes to half the burger. On the other half comes Burgersauce or Remoulade. On the tomato sauce a salad leaf or rocket, on it a slice of cheese, on it the pattie. Tomato slices and Danish cucumber slices or fresh cucumber. I add freshly roasted onions. then the lid on it. As an alternative to the tomato slices and cucumbers, I sometimes fry mushrooms and add a little cream sauce and put it on the burger.

3 years ago

a rather thin patty, self-made roasted onions, also self-made cheese sauce, maybe a few more pieces of jalapeno and some “alibisalat”. As a lid, I like to take a little ruby, so much more delicious than bread 🙂

3 years ago

There are always two variants: with salad, bacon, red onion, cheese and a slice of grilled pineapple. calibre


Tomato, vinegar, red onion, Bacon and Gorgonzola. 👯

3 years ago

Always different! Just like I’m hungry for it!

Depends on what kind of burger I do. For example, if I make a fish burger, sossen and covering are of course different from the cattle burger.

3 years ago

What we just have: zucchini, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, chopballs (naturally made!), ketchup, mustard, egg, onions. All that’s just like that and is seasonal. Always very good

3 years ago

I first make the Burgerbuns with a thermomix recipe myself. Then I make relatively big patties that I fry medium or grill, then I take two slices of Cheddar sandwich cheese, spice cucumbers, flavored onions, a certain hamburgers sauce and even mixed chili sauce.

2 years ago

I love making me a burger. Mostly make a lot of ketchup and more mayonnaise on the lower rolls.

then a patty, two slices of cheese and another patty with three slices of cheese. Then there are two fried eggs and fried onions, on the upper bun, then Mayo.

of which I usually eat 2 pieces and neat pommes with mayonnaise 😋

3 years ago

For the first time self made bucks on it a relish made of fresh tomatoes, onions, delicates cucumber. Then fried the bulette about 2cm thick from freshly cuttered beef from the keule medium. Even made ketchup and depending on the disc Ceddar and leaf salad.

LG Sikas

3 years ago

I always do double meat patty, speck, cheese, iggurks, tomate, salat, wobble and karibik sauce.

3 years ago

Meat, cheese, tomato, Lollo Bionda, onions, ketchup, mustard, jalapenos

3 years ago

I spice the bulette always staro with sweet paprika before the roast








3 years ago

For the first time, I don’t want any rolls that, like those of McDonalds, consist of 50% sugar.

Then salad, tomato, cucumber and a beautiful piece of chicken

Don’t eat

3 years ago

burgerbrötchen, paddie, röstzwiebeln, ketchup, mayo, salat, cheese, sour cucumbers and tomato

3 years ago

A bissle ketchup, a salad leaf, n guder cheese and etzala meat. And of course my secret ingredient. I call him the Felix-Burger

1 year ago

With Cevapcici between the Burger discs and Ajvar inside. 🤤🤤🤤 And possibly still feta cheese inside because it doesn’t smell like my sports socks.

2 years ago

rolls,small cheese disc,pattie,Tomate ,Essiggurken ,Tomaten,burger remolade,and a little majozwiebel