wie bekommt man mehr speicherplatz auf dem pc (windows)?

guten tag,

Ich habe schon Wochen das Problem, dass ich kaum noch Speicherplatz auf meinem PC habe, obwohl ich nur 3 spiele habe. Ich weiß nicht, was ich machen kann, denn ich will diese spiele ungern löschen. ich habe nur 200gb, obwohl auf der Festplatte 1TB steht, (ich weiß nicht ob dies gerade was mit meiner frage zu tun hat) was kann ich tun? ich will diese spiele nicht löschen, aber anders kriege ich auch nicht mehr Speicherplatz, denn diese 3 spiele nehmen halt das ganze Speicherplatz. was kann man tun??

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1 year ago

There are several ways to release storage space on your PC without necessarily having to delete games. Here are some tips:

Check the Recycle Bin:

  • Make sure you have checked the recycle bin on your PC and have permanently deleted irrelevant files.

Delete temporary files:

  • Use the function to clean temporary files on your PC. You can find this under the system settings or by entering “Disk Cleanup” in the Windows search.

Uninstall unnecessary programs:

  • Look at the installed programs and uninstall those you don’t need anymore.

Move files to an external hard drive:

  • If you have many files, photos or videos that are not needed daily, move them to an external hard drive to create space on your main hard drive.

Clean Windows system files:

  • Use the function to clean system files. Here you can delete old Windows installation files.

Use tools for storage space analysis:

  • There are tools like “WinDirStat” or “TreeSize” that let you analyze the space on your PC and see which files occupy most space. This can help you to specifically delete unnecessary files.

Optimize the storage use of the games:

  • Some games offer options to remove locally stored files or language packages that you do not need. Check the game settings to see if such options are available.

Compress files:

  • If you have many big files, you could consider compressing them to save space.

With regard to discrepancy for disk size (1TB on disk, but only 200GB available), this could indicate partitioning or unallocated disk space. You could check the disk management in the system settings to ensure that the entire disk is used.

If there are still problems after these steps, it might be useful to ask an expert or a technically experienced friend for help or to contact the manufacturer of the PC.

1 year ago

1. Is the hard drive trustworthy?

If so, then there may be a problem with the partition. Maybe the hard drive is divided into several parts, and you only see a 200 GB partition. The remaining 800 GB could be hidden in other partitions or present as unused storage space. You can check this in hard drive management

1 year ago

You should find out why you only have 200gb of 1 tb.

I would go into the computer expectation and look into the data carrier administration there.

1 year ago

Buy a hard drive with more storage 😉