Wie bekommt man mehr Reads auf Wattpad?
Hey :),
ich will die Tage eine Story auf Wattpad hochladen, habe damit aber nicht so viel Erfahrung da ich bis jetzt immer nur auf AO3 aktiv war.
Sind die Tags bei Wattpad wichtig? Bzw. die Angabe der Hauptcharaktere?
Ein Cover habe ich bereits gestaltet.
Ich schreibe aus Spaß, allerdings würde es mich freuen, doch ein paar Reads und evtl. Kommentare zu bekommen.
Wäre für jeden Tipp dankbar!🥰
Hi :
Yeah, Taggs are important. It’s best to write so full until it’s gone. Through taggs, the potential readers will find your story and therefore they are necessary.
However, you get very difficult readers at Wattpad. In the beginning, no to very little.
Here are a few points if you want more readers:
(See also other stories in your genre, so people will also draw attention to your story)
• Good cover
(Recognisable font and simply beautifully designed)
• Folding text
(No 0815 folder text and one that is also appealing)
• Book clubs, reviews, awards
(Also people will be attentive to your profile/history)
What’s your name on Wattpad? Then I can also see:)
First of all, thank you for the detailed answer, I will definitely orientate myself to this. Hot on cotton pad ‘ALittleJealousy’.
Read other stories in your genre and comment a lot
What’s your name on Wattpad?
Thanks for the tips, I’ll try it sometime Hot on cotton pad ‘ALittleJealousy’
hello, so I gave you a lot of days and at the beginning the reading number went quite little, but if you have about 1K reads (total), then you go faster (was so with me)