How do you get ballpoint pens out of clothes?
Hi, before the holidays, someone in my class—I don't know who—painted my trench coat with a blue ballpoint pen. I've already washed it, but it won't come out. The trench coat cost €100, so I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to get it out. Thanks in advance for any answers.
There are spot removers specially designed for ballpoint pen spots.
There are also drugstore markets on site and other companies.
Ballpoint pen is often fat-soluble – try your luck with spirit, but test it beforehand at an inconspicuous spot on the inside (not that the coat is coloring with it).
Only dry cleaning… in cleaning!
They’re doing this with scrubbing spirit.
There are in the drugstore stain remover for almost any problem. Beckmanns or so are these removers
Remove ballpoints: 3 home products in the test. Kugelschreiberflecken-entfernen-3-hausmittel-im-test/
Maybe Gall soap with a lot of luck
With firewood!