Wie bekommt man einen besseren Ping in Fortnite?
Ich wohne in einem Kaff, welches relativ weit von Frankfurt entfernt ist. Ich habe momentan einen 80 Ping in Creative und einen 100 Ping in Battle Royale, aber in Creative droppt er auch ab und zu runter zu 20.
If the PING internet is correspondingly slow, then can make nix.
If it is on the length of the copper line, it is not at all. Physics.
If it is on the backbone or on the server to be contacted, there is no handle either.
The lower your ping, the better.
The number is the latency in ms and this should of course be as small as possible.
All under 100 is good.
But if you go to the network at home via the router, you could simply use WLAN closer to the router or generally a LAN cable.
Better WLAN
Can the ping improve by closing another?
Yes significantly better
I just have 50 MBits Internt and weigh 300 MBits.
The available bandwidth of your connection has nothing to do with how the utilization of the passed network nodes and exchange points on the way from your terminal to your provider, from there to exchange points and network nodes to other networks, to the server operator’s network, and back to the addressed server and the same route. How should DEIN have an influence on traffic at the many nodes?
If delays occur in your own network up to your router, you can do something there. From Router, this is no longer in your hand.