Wie bekommt man die hintere Seitenscheibe aus einem A3 8V ausgebaut?
Ich habe schon die Türverkleidung und die innere Gummidichtung abgebaut. Bekommt man den äußeren Rahmen irgendwie abgebaut? Die äußere Zierleiste scheint geklebt zu sein. Oder bekommt man die Scheibe auch so heraus?
natürlich inklusive Fensterheber..
beim A3 8P konnte man den gesamten Scheibenrahmen ausbauen, das scheint hier aber nicht der Fall zu sein.
The window and window lifter will not go. There’s got to get two screws that connect the window to the window lifter.
If the disc is defective, the disc can be released and pushed high. Then fix over the frame above with a strip adhesive tape. Only no brown package band! The adhesive stays quickly everywhere and only the plastic bath leaves.
Thank you for your answer! So fix the top of the pane and then kick the puppy over and kick the new one in the same way?
The FH must be installed and removed at the bottom through the holes in the door. Advantageous if it still goes together.
has worked! Could get the broken window lifter through the hole in the door and use the new one. Now everything works again. Thank you.
Window lifter defective?
you have to release the pane from the lifter, which is attached to the pane with clips.
You don’t get the frame.
with many Audis this is so that the whole window frame with window pane and lifter has to go out, but that is as far as I know only in front.
I had to do my 4F times.
Exactly, somewhere the rope hoist is jammed from the heber, the motor works quite normal..
So release disk from the heber, then fix it up and then pour out the heberg end of the disk?
Dissolve disk and kick disk out