Wie bekomme ich Votes auf Wattpad?
Hey, ich schreibe sehr gerne und ich habe seit kurzem eine Fanfiction auf Wattpad veröffentlicht. Ich update sie oft und habe auch schon 40 Reads aber keine Votes. Ich frage mich, ob ich etwas falsch mache oder wie man die Leute dazu bekommt, Votes zu geben oder Kommentare zu schreiben.
Vor einem Jahr habe ich schonmal eine Geschichte geschrieben und da hatte ich auch kein Feedback.
Ich hätte halt wenigstens gerne Kommentare als Rückmeldung.
Ich habe auch schon Fanfictions oder andere Geschichten von anderen Autoren gelesen. Die hatten sogar viele Rechtschreibfehler oder der Charakter in der Fanfiction war irgendwie out of character. Und trotzdem haben diese Autoren Votes und Kommentare. Ich will nicht sagen, dass meine Geschichten perfekt sind. Das sind sie lange nicht. Aber es gibt eben Leute mit vielen Fehlern, von denen die Leser die Geschichte anscheinend mehr mögen. Das ist irgendwie frustrierend und ich bin etwas verzweifelt, weil ich mir gerne eine Community mit treuen Lesern auf Wattpad aufbauen würde, so wie andere Autoren es schon geschafft haben.
Well, I’ve been through everything. I had my sister from the beginning who always vowed. After two months or so, a vote came, I looked and saw that one of my sister’s followers discovered me. Then many more came. Meanwhile I have about eight to fifteen Votes for each Kapi, sometimes less.
My tips: Don’t give up! Other stories that interest you, vote and comment! Update your stories regularly! Make yourself “interested” (at RPG’s, competitions and co.! Go a bit on profile search (but not a follow for follow, that doesn’t bring anything (as soon as they realize that you are not interested in them, follow them)!) Follow those you like! Do not make your description so short, update the announcements (so you know you are active) and thank you personally for those who follow you (make you more sympathetic)! Log in to book clubs (I recommend @_featherofwords_ (book club of 100 words)!
Great success on Wattpad!
Grape sound
Pretty much the same problem. I would recommend commenting on other stories (preferably fanfictions with the same topic). I won my most followers and readers. (Please don’t advertise for you, I hope you know what I mean.)
A well-designed profile is also extremely important. There are good tips in the book “Tipps to Success on Wattpad” by “NikolinaDrum”.
Do your readers remember voting and commenting, or perhaps ask them a question, something to discuss, or something simple: what is your favorite subject? That’s it.
Another possibility is a writing competition. There, your story is carefully read and assessed how good it is and why. If someone really seriously thinks you’ll get a really good feedback.
I hope I could help you!
Hello, I also write stories for Wattpad. I’ve got a few things on the quick that you could try:
I hope I could help you!
VLG Meli
Wow! You wrote a lot. Everything you say is right. You seem to have experience with Wattpad! A few of the things you suggested (especially the tips for writing and correcting), I will certainly also use! Thank you, even if the answer was not addressed to me.
This thread was saved immediately. What a great overview. I’ve been laying cotton pad for some time before me. This looks like a great starting aid here, thank you very much! 😀
“Wow” was also the first thing that came into my mind 😂👍🏻
Fail…. @Meli726 is this one 😅
I know that, I started writing a story myself and didn’t even get a single vote for it (I write it in English, so it can be)
I can’t really help, but I feel very. I’m really struggling with my story, spelling, world building and everything, but even have fewer reads xD
And stories that sometimes seem like they wrote a drunk over 1000…
Is always so xD
What’s your name on wattpad?
That’s really bad.
If you like, I could read in. Am @thetasteoftears2022 on Wattpad, so write me down.
If I like the story, I would also vote if I didn’t, I could give you some tips to improve, as I already know something. I already belong to the acquaintances on Wattpad, if I’m not really famous and maybe I could help you get more readers.
Marlène Layance
I know you. I am @Layla_Liz! 😃
What area are you writing?