wie bekomme ich Visual Studio Code auf dem Mac zum laufen?

Ich möchte anfangen auf meinem neuen Computer zu coden, jedoch bekomme ich das Programm nicht zum laufen. Der Code ist laut dem Programm “not supported or defined”. Vielleicht kann mir einer weiterhelfen. LG

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1 year ago

VS code is on your screenshot.

Simply press F5 and select what you want to open the HTML file. Before that, you need to save the file, but that will automatically open.

If you need to install an extension, the store will also open automatically, but should normally just go like this.

If you don’t, just save the file and open it in your browser. Where’s the problem?

1 year ago

but I don’t get the program to run.

What program? HTML is not a program code, but an award language for displaying information in a browser. Consequently, this must also be opened with a browser for display.

To create HTML files, Visual Studio Code is also like using cannons to shoot sparrows. A conventional text editor is enough.

1 year ago
Reply to  Xandros0506

To create HTML files, Visual Studio Code is also like using cannons to shoot sparrows. A conventional text editor is enough.

VS Code is a “conventional” text editor.

And also offers many extensions and features for HTML and related technologies.

Maybe you confuse VS code and the normal VS, which is a full IDE and not like VS code “only” a text editor.

1 year ago

Save and then open the html file in the browser.

Tip: use darkmode