Wie bekomme ich schlanke Beine?

Hallo! Ich hab Genetik bedingt einen relativ schlanken Oberkörper aber kräftige Beine. Das war schon immer so und war eigentlich nie ein Problem.

Ich habe jedoch während Corona leider einiges zugenommen und zwar auch schon wieder viel abgenommen habe aber noch lange nicht alles.

Meine größte Unsicherheit sind immer noch meine Beine vor allem auch meine Waden.

Daher wollte ich mal fragen ob es bestimmte Sachen gibt die dabei helfen?

Von dem Sport den ich davor betrieben habe hatte ich eher das Gefühl dass sie durch die Muskeln noch globiger aussehen und daher ist das im Moment was ich dafür mache:

Also einerseits versuche ich mich gesünder zu ernähren (das geht nur leider nicht immer weil ich erst 16 bin und somit noch zuhause lebe und meine Mutter immer kocht und kann daher nicht sagen dass ich sowas nicht essen will. (Es ist nicht wirklich extrem ungesund aber halt schon öfters mal Kartoffeln, Pasta, rotes Fleisch und so)

Und dann laufe ich noch jeden Tag 10k Schritte, das fällt mir etwas schwer weil ich mit Schule sehr viel zu tun habe aber ich versuche es.

Manchmal mache ich dann auch noch Workouts oder dehne meine Waden und Massiere sie weil ich gehört habe dass sie dadurch etwas schmäler werden können (stimmt dass?)

Ich wollte mal fragen ob das helfen wird?

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1 year ago

Well, genetics. I believe with the massage you will not reach so much now, especially because I think you have muscles down there. You can only try to eat less and more sports in general. How we all 😅

or like many girls in the gym, train the Po.

For example, I find more powerful thighs very attractive. If your fat collects there instead of the abdomen/inner organs, you should rather appreciate it.

1 year ago

You could try to build up the upper body, then it won’t be noticed.

Sometimes I also do workouts or stretch my calves and masse them because I have heard that they can get a little smaller (does that?)

No, Mumpitz. What made my legs slimmer was a bike ergometer. Not hard, long.

1 year ago

I think there’s nothing there. It’s just your suit. It also likes many men as it is.

1 year ago

When you build muscles, the calves become thicker, logical.

1 year ago

How do I get lean legs?

What you write sounds pretty good and you’re doing a lot right! I envy you about the 10,000 steps!! ECT

I used to notice certain interesting relationships when it comes to inserts in hips and thighs. That’s how it always meant they were inherited!

When I came to the findings of Prof. Lothar Wendt and his research on protein overfeeding, his book ‘Healthy by reducing protein surpluses‘ open the eyes and bring them to their own knowledge. Thus, among other things, he showed how to empty this memory itself.

Of course, it is not part of mainstream nutrition.

It should also be interesting for you that adequately high, regular vitamin D3 +K2 intake, magnesium and omega 3-chain play an important role.


You know your Vit. D3 memory value already? (=blood image, doctor, unfortunately, this important examination is usually calculated as own power). The daily vitamin D3 maintenance dose in our widths should be – all year round! – 5000 to 8000 I.E. Vit. D3 does not fall below (the difference to the often medically prescribed dosage of 1000 I.E. corresponds – from nutritional point of view – to that between bicycle and BMW. The closer you get to the Rolls Royce class, the better you feel.


Natural vitamin C (with flavonoids) and the amino acid lysine both keep the connective tissue healthy. Both are essential, i.e. they must be fed daily in sufficient quantities via food!

Because glycine also ensures well functioning muscles, this amino acid is also interesting for you.

Then sufficient amounts of liquid as a replacement for spent cell water and for the removal of waste materials which are subject to excretion via the kidneys are very important. The book of F Batmanghelidj and 1 moren: ‘They are not sick, they are thirsty!: healing from inside with water and salt‘ which I once got recommended, very generous.

In addition to water, herbal teas are also suitable. In particular, nettle and tin herbaceous teas help against thirst and de-slag and shine through their high silicon content (=silicea, silicic acid). Silic acid gives structure to the connective tissue and at the same time helps to de-slag.

As far as some food shorts are concerned. If you want to track this rail and have questions, I’d like to answer it.