Wie bekomme ich meine Periode schneller?

Heyy Leute

Ich habe eine frage und zwar Ich würde gerne meine Periode schneller bekommen weil alle von meinen Freundinnen und Schwestern haben sie schon und ich würde die gerne auch haben🙈 Wie bekomme ich sie schneller? ( bin 12 und alle haben sie mit ende 12 und 13 bekommen) also die Periode! Habt ihr Tipps?


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1 year ago


Unfortunately, one cannot influence the time of the first period. You could take strongly hormonal drugs, but that doesn’t make anyone and never will do anyone and not do that with 12.

Look: the normal age for the first period is between 10 and 16 years. Most often you get it with 11-14 and the average is 12.5 years old at the first period. So you’re at 12 in the most normal ranges and you’re not too late at all. I know many who got them with 13 or 14. The one got them only with 15.

I can imagine under what pressure you stand but putting you under pressure will not let your period come faster, on the contrary, it will be delayed due to the stress.


It’s not a race who first has the period. This is just as unnecessary as to battle who now has the bigger chest. This is childish and immature than any mature and normal thinking person knows, that you cannot naturally speed up or influence the normal physical process. You can only slow it down. So those who think it is important to be the first in a physical development that have not yet reached the necessary spiritual maturity and these can also be subject to you although they already have their days and you do not.

It does not change your position in society. You should be careful not to have blood stains on your pants and on your seats/springs every month. That’s all it is. You don’t really have advantages through the period at the age. Later it can of course have advantages, such as helping to determine the ovulation or to exclude pregnancy and much more but with 12 you don’t really need that.

It has even been proven that the more cycles a woman is experiencing (i.e. if you get the period very early) that you have an increased risk of breast cancer. Of course, this does not mean that each one gets the period before or with 12 automatically gets breast cancer, but the chances are only increased. If you come from a family in the breast cancer anyway, this can be an advantage.

One last thing: please don’t believe any miracle from the Internet. Some claim with click bait titles such as: “So you get your first period faster” or “First period quickly get (soon tomorrow)” that you can influence this. Search on Tiktok or Youtube and Google for nothing. These promises are only hot air and do not work 100% even if the comments below want to assert something else. Either lie the comments or they have gotten their period naturally and only by chance when they followed this video or the tutorial. But do what you want to take apart from any tablets and make diets and diets. This can go back very quickly and put you in danger, which makes your period even more delayed.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Viel Happiness 🍀



1 year ago
Reply to  Pinguinlove183

Exactly, you can’t influence it and you shouldn’t 🙂

1 year ago

You can’t speed it up. The average is from 13, to 16, but this is completely normal. Your body needs time for development. He’s ready. And believe me, enjoy time without period, because that is not always beautiful. I took years to accept my cycle

It doesn’t make you jealous or cooler. Even if your colleagues have their days, it doesn’t matter. You can’t influence it anyway and it doesn’t make you think about it and is waste of time

1 year ago

Gar nicht. Das ist nicht möglich.

1 year ago

That sounds stupid I know, but I think all the girls were or are sometimes at the point where they want to have their period. I was 12 at the first time. I’d like to have waited. It’s not nice. Just wait until it happens. You can make nix, every body is like it! But honestly, if I were as old as you again, I would pray every day I never get her. The period does not make you grow up, but what is in your head, do not make you angry and good luck with it;)

1 year ago

Believe me, you should really enjoy the time without a period.

You need to think about how you keep the blood away from or into it, and it feels like the dolche is pushed into the abdomen. Oh, you.