Wie bekomme ich einen AssistenzHund?
Hallöchen 😀
Also folgendes ,… ich möchte gern einen AssistenzHund haben.
weil ich psychische und körperliche Probleme habe zb Asthma und wenn ich länger gehe bekomm ich keine luft und meine beine tun sehr weh. Hab dafür noch 2 undichte Herzklappen … usw
psychische Erkrankungen :
ocd( Zwangsstörung und Zwangshandlungen) , BPD ( Borderline Persönlichkeit Störung) PTBS ( posttraumatische belastingstörung) ADHS ( Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung) ED (esstörung) chronsiche Suizidalität & Pankstörungen!
und das belastet mich alles sehr,.. wo kann man denn einen Hund in Österreich bezüglich Tirol einen holen? (Wenns nicht in tirol is dann irgendwo vielleicht in Österreich oder Bayern ..
wie viel kostet so ein AH? Und was braucht man alles dafür,… und wo kann ich hinschreiben und welche hunde haben die zum ausbilden? Wieviel Jahre dauert das oder sind die schon fertig ausgebildet?
bitte einfach in den Kommis schreiben!
dankeee :>
The training for the assistance dog is very, very complicated and not every puppy is suitable for this demanding training, which the blind dog probably surpasses.
Therefore, it is not easy to buy such dogs. It needs clarification.
A, it must be from the animal and man, to fit together.
B, a dog like this will only be admitted to you if the insurance sees a massive improvement in it. This can save other costs that would otherwise cause a nursing service or home.
Because such a trained dog does not cost in the lower area of a five-digit amount.
Therefore, it is very carefully examined who gets such a top helper. Because not every dog creates all the requirements that are on his curriculum during his training.
You look at the puppies, which could be suitable and then begin with the career and training…and take a very long time until it comes to completion, which perhaps of 20 animals only create 2 dogs.
So to the extent that such dogs have to do everything when they work. You just don’t need to take responsibility like blind dogs every day.
Then they behave like any other dog. Hardly in service, they are extremely concentrated and remember everything before you recognize it yourself.
You can fill the washing machine and clean up afterwards if you can’t bend. Also lift a coin that flew to the floor and this on a smooth surface.
Yeah, I know a dog like that. The daughter of my sister-in-law could live without him, not alone. She suffers from a very rare genetic disease and thus received an assistance dog.
Thank you for your answer!
Since deim’s behavior in the comments, in addition to the problems already mentioned by the other, is of immature, you are unfortunately not ready to lead an assistance dog. This helps with a Problem, in the best case at least, but you must now have a lot of sense of responsibility, think ahead, have reason etc.
Unfortunately, this is missing, at least you don’t show it. This doesn’t have to be seen as an attack, but that’s why an AH does not make any sense for you. Because even these dogs can be broken very quickly.
At the top you pay €20,000 minimum. A family of our friends had even been allowed to cover nearly €25,000 for their daughter…the health insurance does not take over everything and rarely a small part. Even with donations and organizations, this is not as easy as you imagine.
I’d guess maybe try animal-based therapy first. You don’t have the responsibility, your parents don’t cost the immense costs and you’re less tensed in time. It should be more relaxed for you and your psyche anyway. I know that there is a trend towards the assistance dog at the moment, but especially in the case of mental problems you have to consider whether it really is “That” only true.
Good written 👍
Thank you
An assistance dog costs €20,000 and more. In addition, not every dog is suitable. Not all create multi-year training. Since the dog has to fit both training and character to the owner, one has to wait several years for such a dog. Since so much time and money flows into the training of an assistance dog, not everyone gets one.
The first question you should ask is what the assistance dog should do for you. What exactly is the situation he should support you?
The first contact is your family doctor. As the health insurance does not, logically, finance an assistance dog, you need a medical opinion anyway.
Not at all, not at all with your asthma and not at the huge construction site that is otherwise there, especially since you should have to go back to the clinic, because apparently you have not yet come to the thought that the clinic does not have to allow this dog in the clinic, what should happen to the animal?
In your place, you should settle with your therapist and look for a more realistic solution/option.
Your tedious way, by the way, does not testify to the necessary ripeness, which is simply necessary in an AH.
Puh – this is a long list of problems that you have… and how exactly do you imagine the dog’s attitude and what should the dog now change to your problems?
An assistant dog can’t do anything. On the contrary. The dog can still be so well trained – it is just a dog and needs an owner who is reliable and can be estimated for the dog. I think the dog is getting sick.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m sorry you’re so bad but thinking a dog might Your problems are certainly the wrong way.
What is it?
What do you all have, so I don’t understand anything more to me has written a PROFISSIONAL AH TRRAINERIN that can help the white dog also in such diseases.
You can’t train a dog for different diseases. An assistant dog usually has a very specific task.
I just wanted to ask where to get an AH 😁
Yes, but all your other problems would put the dog down. You have too many psychic construction sites and you can’t leave them every day so that the dog doesn’t suffer. Also a dog can get mentally ill, even depression
and if a professional recommended this to you, why didn’t he answer your questions?
Yes, I understood it, but zb PTBS would go 🙂
What exactly should the dog support you? An assistance dog is very expensive and there is hardly any demand for it. Not every dog is suitable for training and where they have been trained for it their special areas, e.g. displays of an upcoming epileptic seizure. So the question of what the dog should support you? Against your physical complaints, he will hardly be able to do anything and your mental complaints will say that you have the need for security, but this is not what the dog can do, but you have to fulfill it for him.
So first of all, explore yourself more closely!!
and secondly, an AH is there for you when you dissociations have panic attacks, he’ll get you out of it and wake you up. My question was what such an AHS cost, what you need to do for what to send it and how long it takes. Usw. Please testify again. Like I said!
an AH also brings heart when you live in panic. Then the dog can calm you down in a business when you go badly distract.
for mental illnesses there is also AH. PTSD
The sickness fund won’t fund the dog… LukaAndShiba called you a realistic sum. You’ll have to pay it out of your own pocket.
Yeah, I really don’t care what you’re saying. My question was quite different from the others asking it no “magic”. I know myself .Who is now this contacting because from here I do not get a normal answer.
You can still ask, maybe they will call you appropriate positions in Austria. But as others have already written – an assistant dog is not a magic animal… he is trained for one thing, everything else would be unfair to the animal. But best ask this coach or organization…
Yes but they are not in Austria 🙂
Then it will probably be the most sensible thing if you ask about them 🤷 ♀️
My god?? You don’t even know me? There are also many organizations and donate. So please ask yourself before you write this ♀️🤦🏼 ♀️
And how should a dog help you with the first mentioned problems? An assistant dog also needs leisure and wants to do something outside
Generally, I don’t see that a dog would be good for you. He could be more dangerous to you in your condition.
such a dog costs around 30,000€ finished trained
Yeah, for example, he’s helping me out of dissociation, or from Panik Attack? Or to help attack asthma?
Of course, a dog free time needs what I have anyway if I got the dog would go regularly for a walk etc.
you will find out more
Well, there are dogs for mental support, but these are not assistance dogs. It’s also a normal one. There are fewer dogs to help you with asthma attacks. Assist dogs can determine your blood pressure, etc. But don’t predict asthma attack. And with so many problems I wouldn’t get an assistance dog, or generally no dog, because it’s just a huge responsibility, more than you can ever imagine. Also, an assistant dog cannot help you out of dissazoation. Unfortunately… assitence dogs are primary for physical problems, diabtes, cardiovascular disorders, etc.
This is definitely not possible!
Only there are dogs that the questioner does not imagine. Here’s the allergy already for a dog.
I know AH already got a lot of information. I just asked where to get a dog. And wanted to ask how to summarize this. Then it is PTBS AH .
Besides, if you say the legs hurt, you have ADHD, panic attacks, etc., how do you want to live up to a dog every day? Going three times a day, it’s exhausting. To do this, one must be physically in very good condition, and broken heart valves and pain in the legs do not help.
If you had properly informed yourself, then you would know what it is, this is probably all about saying I have an AH, but you don’t want to hear, but then please, just get the rejection of your KK personally. 🤷
So he doesn’t help with panic attacks though he is trained
I’m honest when I read this way I can’t support you getting such a dog. Not mean evil, but you say you’re not good on foot, get bad air, mental illnesses and so far. How would you do that to the dog??? Please consider. 😎
So sorry I am, for you, the idea of a dog is already finished with the allergy.
There are no dogs that can bear all your problems.
With all your problems, you can’t keep and lead a dog.
A dog needs stable reliable dog guides.
You don’t need to come like this