Wie bekomme ich diese lähmende Angst in den Griff?

Hallo ihr Lieben

Ich (w,42) habe Depressionen mirlt leichtem Hang zu Borderline und stark ausgeprägter Paranoia.

Auf Grund der dadurch entstandenen Einschränkungen (Belastbarkeit, Belastung durch Lärm) kann ich meinen alten Job nicht mehr machen.

Obwohl ich genau weiß, dass ich mir was neues suchen kann, ist da diese Angst in mir. Angst vor Veränderungen, Angst vor dem was kommen könnte, Angst damit überfordert zu sein.

Ich befinde mich derzeit in einer Tagesklinik, um genau dieses Problem zu lösen, doch ich fühle mich oft missverstanden. Es sind sogar Kommentare gefallen, wie… Auf mich machen Sie keinen depressiven Eindruck… Ich habe echte Probleme damit, Dinge die mich belasten auszusprechen. Also fresse ich meine Sorgen in mich rein, habe ein Lächeln auf den Lippen, während mir eigentlich zum heulen zumute ist…

Ich stehe vor einer Mauer, die ich selbst errichtet habe und schaffe es nicht mehr darüber.

Wisst ihr, was ich tun kann, um diese Angst zu verringern?

Danke im voraus.

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8 months ago

Who came so unprofessional assessments that you do not make a “depressive impression”? And as you describe, there are also the “smiling depression” where you smile all away. That’s why openness is so important. Talking about ALL. For this, of course, it is necessary to open and clearly address all the symptoms and problems so that the experts can form a clear opinion. Keeping back is a pity and it is necessary to overcome, because only there, with corresponding conversations, can and must be able to talk about it. And everyone is afraid of a change in his future and doubts as to whether the decisions are correct, because nobody can really miss the consequences. Only not everyone has the same fears and not in the same pronounced form. For changes, you have to move. One is, often without strength, in a valley and often lacks the energy to take his life in the hand and to change it (private as professional).

When I was in this situation, I turned to pension insurance and gave me advice on what options I have. That was good for me and the employee was very sensitive. This is how I came to an AWO measure which has shown me new career prospects. So, through an internship, I found a new job in which I have been very successful for more than 5 years and can work exactly as it is “suitable” for me. Was a long way, has cost a lot of energy (which I could hardly bring up in part), but today I am proud that I did not give up and that our system at least helped me very much. I wish you a lot of strength on your way and when it goes, your doctors and therapists testify with absolute openness about what you have eaten into you so far.

8 months ago
Reply to  MelAren

That’s exactly what I did to LTA. It’s a good thing that you’ve obviously found that you have to take your fears seriously. Whoever said that you didn’t “act” depressively has missed his job, or rather was a patient or someone who is simply not trained psychologically.

7 months ago

If you can’t talk about your problems in a therapy, how should someone else understand you? The therapy is to work on your problems. You can apply for therapy every year, so it was with me. This means a year’s standstill, after that. You should try to get as much helpful feedback as possible. Whatever. If it has to be, write it up and give it to your psychologist.

Best regards

8 months ago

I’m sorry to hear you fight with intense fears and strains. To reduce these, it is important to speak openly about your feelings, whether with therapists, friends or family. Various forms of therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure therapy can be helpful. Mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises and a clear daily structure can also support. Set small, achievable goals and engage with supportive people. Patience with yourself and the possibility of medicamental support can also be important. If you don’t get enough support in the day care clinic, say that and if necessary find additional help.

8 months ago

Villeicht go to a Spizelle clinic.

I can recommend the clinic in Wegscheid! They’re trained. There is even a trauma group there. The clinic is very small, so the patient/article/care ratio is very good. There you are in a protected room and can simply be autentic! That’s exactly what the wall breaks through.

8 months ago

Have you ever been in stationary treatment? A daily clinic has the advantage that you can continue your everyday life, but if this everyday life is too heavy, it will throw you out again and again.

8 months ago
Reply to  MelAren

Okay, that’s a point, of course. I’m not too strong in the whole thing anymore, but if you don’t get any further in your therapy, it’ll have to be noticed.

I would specifically address the doctors, whether there are other possibilities, or think about the therapy plan.

8 months ago

No. You’ve been looking for professional help, but who makes such a comment? The staff? With patients? You know mental illnesses are still strongly stigmatizing. This is also because “normal” cannot imagine anything at all. You don’t see anything…. Make one unsafe. And then such sayings come.

8 months ago

I am currently in a day clinic to solve this problem, but I often feel misunderstood. There are even comments like… You don’t make a depressive impression on me… I have real problems talking about things that burden me. So I eat my worries in me, have a smile on my lips while I’m actually crying…

Topicalize this in therapy.

7 months ago