How do I get this off my TV?
Can someone please tell me how to get rid of these pop ups?
Can someone please tell me how to get rid of these pop ups?
Dear electricians, in the past week my residual current device has tripped twice. Both times it was the dishwasher fuse that was to blame. I called a friend in the industry who told me, "If the residual current device trips, there must be water somewhere." I've cleared the entire kitchen and looked in every corner,…
Hi everyone, I have the following problem. I unpacked my PlayStation 5 two days ago. I plugged it in as usual and even played with it for a bit, but suddenly the power went out and I think there was a short circuit. When I turned the power back on, the PlayStation 5 stopped working….
Hello! I need some expert advice. Our Phillips Latte and Go is just two years old. For a few days it hasn't been making enough coffee, which meant the coffee was too strong. Now it doesn't make any coffee at all. It has been descaled and the visible tubes look great. The brewing group has…
Hello, I was wondering if I touch the line and neutral conductors of a cable from the socket with one hand at the same time whether the current then only flows through the hand, from cable to cable, or through the whole body and whether it makes a difference if I have shoes on. Let's…
Hello. I need to describe these two devices, but I'm not sure if they're responsible for what I think they are. I think the first one can measure braking force or torque. And the second one is used to control the speed of an electric motor. However, I don't know what these devices are called….
Leider ist das Symbol von der Taste schon abgerubbelt. Es ist jene, mit der Du auch den Teletext wieder wegmachst.
Kann es sein, dass in den Einstellungen noch der “Verkaufsmodus” aktiviert ist?
Ich habe den Fernseher schon eine Weile und diese pop ups haben plötzlich gerade angefangen
Ich habs jetzt, der Fernseher war in einem Demo Modus, diesen habe ich nun ausgeschaltet. Danke trotzdem für die Info 👍