Wie bekomme ich Bilder von einer Sony Alpha 7 IV auf mein Computer?

Guten Tage, ich bin am überlegen mir die genannte kamer zu kaufen. Doch was ich nicht verstehe beziehungsweise nicht weiß, wenn ich mit der Kamera Videos aufgenommen habe wie ich dieses dann auf mein Computer übertragen kann um sie dort zu bearbeiten? Braucht man dafür so eine UHS-II sd karte ? Beziehungsweise brauche ich so eine Karte überhaupt um dort die Sachen drauf zu Speichen und wenn ja wie lese ich diese dann auf meinen PC ein? Ich hoffe jemand versteht meinen Punkt und kann mir helfen.

Vielen Dank im voraus

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2 years ago

Either connect the camera to the Pc via USB and read out

or put the Sd Cart in a Cart Reader and read out

and yes a Sony Alpha needs an SD Cart that doesn’t necessarily have to be an expensive UHS 2 but the best option would be that

2 years ago
Reply to  Florixn357

Yes, however, I would just as a beginner think about whether it really is a camera that costs almost 3000€ with Kit objective

2 years ago

Based on the question that has already been answered, I wouldn’t recommend a 2500€ professional camera as a beginner. You don’t buy a 20,000€ wing to learn piano games, but you’re on a cheap keyboard.

As a beginner, such a camera will not only beat you from the sheer settings (of which you will probably not use it at all) but also requires even more expensive lenses for full format. Good lenses start there at 500€ and often cost even 1000-2000€.

I’d advise you to practice for a good time. And if you have worked out the experience (which takes years!), you can still change to an expensive camera later. That’s what everybody does.

A cheap Sony A6100/6400 is enough for a beginner thick, I’d be stuck in lenses, of which you have more.