Wie bekomme ich am schnellsten 200€?
Ich hab so ein kleines Problem undzwar brauche ich gerade dringend 200 € aber niemand wird es mir ausleihen. Wie bekomme ich es am schnellsten ? Ich würde auch irgendwas machen das Problem aber ist dass ich nur paypal habe und keine verbindung zur Bank…..
Put something on ebay classifieds for sale, with pickup and cash payment. Or go to work tomorrow as a daylighter. The money seems to be getting right on the same day.
The problem is not long:
Go to the pithouse with your parents and let you trade things for money. Or sell something from you.
Otherwise, I don’t think of anything like you could get 200€.
Zenjob is an app where you can book individual layers for various jobs spontaneously, so you can earn between 50 and 200€ on individual days
With 16 years you have PayPal.
Then you will soon not only have no money, but soon no more PP account.
Ask your parents if you need money.
Sell something.
For 200 euros, you have to get some performance. It’s not that fast.
Sell your PlayStation