Wie bekomme das weg?

Hi ich habe irgendwie so ein kleines Pop-up was immer auftaucht wenn ich die Feststelltaste oder num Taste drücken auf der Tastatur und es nervt schon ziemlich

Hat irgendwie irgendwer eine Idee wie ich das wieder weg bekomme

Ich habe hier ein paar Bilder wenn jemanden nicht direkt bewusst ist was ich meine

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10 months ago

It is usually part of the keyboard driver. In the task manager, find a process called “OSK” (on screen key) or “OSD” (on screen display) or the like and finish it. If the ad disappears, you have made the guilty and can delete the program.

Sometimes there is also a small utility that runs at the bottom right in the system array.

10 months ago

Too little info. Is this just a HP monitor (the desktop is from another brand?) or is it a HP notebook?

Div. computer manufacturers have such programs. Does different mean for each manufacturer. What about “keyboard.”
