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Meinung zu Linkin Park?
Wie findet ihr Linkin Park. Es geht mir hauptsächlich um Jugendliche in meinem Alter (13-16) da ich wenige Leute kenne die den selben Musikgeschmack haben wie ich.
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An alle Metal Fans was bedeutet diese Geste?
Beide Hände als Fäuste in die Luft und eine Hand hält dann das Handgelenk der anderen fest.
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In the metal scene she probably knows everyone or at least the name is known. Outside, I think it’s unlikely. In my experience, the generality does not know more than Rammstein, Metallica or Slipknot. There’s a rarity when bands from Death or Black Metal actually reach the crowd.
I hear Metal, but not Black Metal, but I know Mayhem. I find Freezing Moon even quite ok.^^ I guess most people who have nothing to do with Metal don’t know Mayhem.
I know Mayhem, but I’m too gloomy. Lords of Chaos is a great movie
Yeah, I’m not the Black Metal fan either. From Mayhem’s original occupation, I think it’s just Necrobutcher… but I don’t know that well.
They’re good
I have to say what is known so far from the line-up for Wacken 2024, I am not really interested. I think Amon Amarth is best.
Okay, then I know, I don’t have to go. I like melody xD
They’ll be in Wacken next year, as far as I know…
I also don’t 💀🙈😅‰
It must also be said here that they are known for their history than for their music.
In the metal scene you should know them, as most people also find the music taste and the corresponding education to it. As far as Mayhem is concerned, I found only one EP and one album well, the rest was really uninteresting. Gives better Black Metal bands! The questionable society has little idea of music, especially of metal and co.
I think that’s good.
Widely unknown, (fortunately!) Only at the “Lords Of The Chaos” movie audience or in the BM underground scene something known. And good rock musicians never did.
I felt the boys as social and highly criminal, an experience that the well-known, very friendly HeavyMetal journalist SAM DUNN had made with them.
How bad…
in the metal sector and indirectly in the context of Emo-Teenagern, everyone has heard
I don’t know her