Wie Behaarung verstecken?
Hey liebe Girls, wie schafft ihr es dass man bei euch keine Haare neben dem Slip/String sieht. Egal wie ich es mache schaut es immer heraus…Entfernen möchte ich die Haare nicht, da ich sie ansich gern an mir mag, aber es nervt halt dass man sie in umkleiden und im Bikini immer sehen kann. Wie macht ihr das?
Bin w/17 falls das wichtig sein sollte
You could just shave the bikini zone. This means that you do not completely shave the pubic hair, but only shave the hair on the sides at the places that are not covered by the slip and leave the rest you just stand. But you could also shave a little more, for example, hair on the labia and on the Venus hill, you can almost stand a triangle. Maybe you should also trim the remaining hair slightly, because longer hair can of course look out of the panties rather than shorter.
If you want, you can try a complete shave. Then there’s nothing to look out of the panties and maybe you like it better. And if you don’t like it, the hair will grow back in a few weeks. :
You don’t have to shave. If it doesn’t bother you, you can leave everything as it is. That then the hair can look out on the sides, but then you have to live.
Either, right. Don’t go away, you see her.
How are you doing?
Move it.
If you don’t want to turn them off, it’s hard not to see them. Maybe you’re just taking the hair away you can see. Or if you really don’t want to leave it, you have to stand there.
So I’d try to get rid of the hair you see or disturb you. You can leave the rest if you like it.
Either stand for it (if I could personally be very nice) or dress shorts that cover them.
Because it seems to shave, to my favor, not an option
I think that’s nice. I’m very hairy myself.
You’ll have to shave the contours, or they’ll look out of the slip. You can leave the rest or stick it.
How do you do it?
I’ll take a razor, razor, and then drive carefully along the contours. For trim I have a hair cutting machine that is used beforehand.
Well, then I’ll have to shave my pages.
That’s right, I’m not gonna do it anymore, and the bush’s gonna get stashed.
So you’re not shaking yourself completely but just the edges?
binzwar a man but why is it bothering you when you see a few hairs, get to it, I like pubic hair find it erotic, the only way you like the men dress a shorts, but how does that look, don’t think about your hair, enjoy what you’re doing right now
These are not just a few hairs
I think it’s very erotic.
then you may. shorten these, even if it were a pity
I myself do not have the problem because I do
could possibly help you because alone it is difficult
I’d rather not do it
Remove the hairs that stand out and leave the rest.
Or stand there.
Buy larger underpants that cover everything or separate the protruding hair.
How should a larger underpants look
There are different underpants. Google time.
If you don’t want to remove it, you’ll either have to stand for it or wear another bikini pants.
It doesn’t matter, you still see
No, you don’t. Put on a panty bikini pants, you don’t see anything. Problem solved.
Or you shave the bikini zone.
I think so.
You’re just…
Looks ugly
What do you think?
Once please side on 0mm and the rest with the machine bit trim abi