Wie bearbeitet man Bilder, um sie „vintage“ ausssehen zu lassen?

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weiß jemand zufällig wie man so ähnliche Bilder wie unten bearbeitet? Gibt es irgendeine App die ihr empfehlt oder ein Programm? Wäre gut, wenn ich das auf meinem Handy machen könnte. (iPhone)

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1 year ago

a little tip: On the picture “Batman” and “Star Trek V” are in the cinema – the picture is from 1989!

If you want pictures that look like this, do the picture as you did in your example: take an analog camera, put in a movie, take the photos and scan the finished pictures!

I remember someone who once made an advertising film and made recordings for it from a “moon landing”, so those who should look like the old recordings from the real moon landings. He was then asked again and again how the hell he managed to see the recordings do real and authentic, how and with what programs and effects he was working on. The truth is, he took an old analog camera, recorded the whole and then copied from video recorder to video recorder until the picture material has been bad and broken enough…

1 year ago
Reply to  starboy101

there are also apps, of course, how “VSCO” can edit images into an analog style, but as you have already said, it goes in the direction, but at the end it is different and never “just as right” as with a real analog image

1 year ago
Reply to  starboy101

yes of course, ebay or small ads or just any flea market around the corner…

1 year ago

There are many methods.

  • Color adjustment (lower saturation, sepiatonation, etc.)
  • Image noise
  • scratches, stains


1 year ago
Reply to  starboy101

I used to make an example.

Often I use original scans of old misexposed negatives on which scratches, spots or development errors can be seen in order to mask the image.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pudelskern666

these are more examples of badly made pseudo-ages for me now, just how to do it in my eyes…

1 year ago
Reply to  GammaFoto

Every aging that has no natural causes is a pseudo-agement. An analog camera does not make “old” pictures. In any case, it lacks image sharpness or the film material is very granular. Do you want to advise the FS to store the deductions in sunlight for 20 years?

1 year ago

You can, if you like it so well, edit your tasteless photos even more tasteless as you want, is your thing.

But your tasteless work has nothing to do with the Figure in the question!

Because the picture in the question is NOT as tasteless as your editing examples. Just gaz just photographed on an analogue film and therefore it has the look that a Blider photographed on analogue film has now. In this respect no one something if you feel something that doesn’t even lead to the goal that was asked!

The picture in the example is now also not a photographic masterpiece and has no special “artistic claim”, This is not at all about it!

Just because the questioner the look of the picture and he would like to do something like that. But he doesn’t come down, not even near, if he makes the pictures as much worse as you do in your picture examples. It’s easy not targeted! And that just completely independent of any artistic anspuche or anything else. It’s just simple and gripping because you’re dragging something completely different that doesn’t lead to a good analog picture look, just like on the example in the question, but just destroying the picture and thus being “vintage”

1 year ago

You are obviously someone who has experience in the field of photography and enjoys them with a certain claim. You attach importance to mastery of technology and you must also have an artistic claim. So far, so good. I’m not different.

Unfortunately, this is characteristically negative to you, because you can tick off the majority that you do not share with you in a subtle arrogant way and raise your own view of the gold standard.

You are not willing or able to acknowledge that the majority of hobby knipser does not have the elan and will to produce with a camera art and is satisfied with either making sharp, “bunte” holiday photos or imitating vintage effects by app and a few clicks. This is so much below your level that you are allergic to. Get used to that. You are not for photography what Karl Lagerfeld was for fashion and style. You’re also just some snippet with a little more experience than Lieschen Müller and have to accept that and like others (tasteless in your eyes) take photos.

1 year ago

I have nothing to interpret, I have eyes in my head and can look at the picture and I have learned to read at school. You too?!

There is “similar images as below” and then there is an example picture. If you look at this, it has nothing to do with your incredibly badly concealed pictures.
This is an analog image with typical coloration and gradation as they are known from analog images.

With you, I don’t see anything that would have to do with the picture. Only at the lowest level canned pictures.

1 year ago

You better stay on the carpet and read his question instead of interpreting something.

1 year ago

stay on the carpet now!

What he wants above all is the look of old analog recordings – his example picture is in no way as “aged” to not say “caputt” as your pictures! Even with a new movie you can get a good look without having to leave pictures for years or even put them in the sun!

Either you have a huge kink in the look or you haven’t looked at the example reasonable enough – or you actually think your pictures (you don’t have to change it all the time!) have something to do with the example from the question.

1 year ago

Have added another example, which goes more towards your example.