Wie baut man ein Flugzeug in Trailmakers?
Hi, ich wollte eine Messerschmitt Komet 163 bauen, nur habe ich das problem das es ein Gleitflugzeug ist was auch mit ausgeschaltetem Triebwerk aerodynamisch in der Luft weiter gleiten soll ohne in Richtung Boden zu biegen 90° und abzustürzen…
Ich habe schon mal eine cessna gebaut und diese habe ich damals so aerodynamisch hinbekommen das sie mit ausgeschaltetem Motor weiter gleiten kann… Also was mache ich falsch bzw. Was sollte ich bei der Messerschmitt beachten das sie auch im Gleitflug fliegen kann bei ausgeschaltetem Motor?
It should be a matter of weight distribution. The original comet could sail anyway. The pilots were once allowed to fly the ME163 as a pure sailor. They were pulled up by a plane so that they could practice the properties and especially the dangerous landing.
Especially if the venting of the tank was not carried out correctly before landing, it formed an explosive mixture which became a deprivation for many pilots.
The decisive factor is that the position of the center of gravity on the longitudinal axis is approximately where the pressure point is also located. The pressure point is the imaginary point at which all air forces (lift and resistance) can be combined. The pressure point can also be seen as a center of gravity.
With straight wings, the pressure point can be assumed at about 1/3 of the profile depth (support surfaces) behind the profile front edge. Since the He 163 has pillared wings, you can assume that on the wing root approximately half of the profile depth.
For a stable flight position, it is advantageous if the center of gravity lies slightly ahead of the pressure point. If it is too far behind, it strengthens the tendency of the aircraft. If, on the other hand, it is located somewhat in front of the pressure point, the nose is lowered by itself when it comes to the area of the coating due to too slow flying, so that the aircraft automatically tilts forward, picks up speed and comes back into the area of the present flow and assumes a stable flying position on its own.
If the center of gravity is too close to the pressure point, the aircraft tilts forward and goes over to the crash flight. Ideally, this would be about 30 cm plus minus 10 cm of heavy punk position before the pressure point position. In the area, the easy tilting forward can still be compensated for with the high-level rudder without jeopardizing the flight stability.
Adjust the elevator in such a way that the aircraft does a clean glide without a drive.
Simpler to say than done