Wie baue ich eine einfache Website bei der der Nutzer unterschiedliche Fragen beantwortet und darauf basierend neue Fragen gezeigt bekommt?

Hallo ich möchte eine Website bauen auf der der Nutzer eine Frage und darunter zwei oder drei Buttons für eine Antwort angezeigt bekommt. Je nachdem welchen Button er auswählt soll er eine andere Frage angezeigt bekommen.

Wie lässt sich denn sowas am einfachsten umsetzen?

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1 year ago

HTML, CSS + Bootstrap & javas
WordPress with addons for it.
Maybe a Moodle server.

Depends on whether you need evaluations or what a size should be possible

1 year ago

With HTML and Javascript

1 year ago
Reply to  ICANSEEYoui

It is not so recommended that all questions should be downloaded to us.

Can take a long time for many questions

1 year ago

To create a website where the user answers different questions and gets new questions based on his answers, there are different approaches. Here is a simple approach to how you can implement this:

  1. Create HTML basic structure: Create an HTML file that contains the basic structure of your website. Define areas for questions, answers and questionnaires.
  2. Add CSS Style: Use CSS to adjust the appearance of your website. You can define colors, fonts, distances and other visual elements.
  3. Add JavaScript functionality: Use JavaScript to implement the interactive functionality of your website. You can use event listers to respond to user interactions and change the displayed questions.
  4. Define questions and answers: Create a list of questions and possible answers. You can save them in JavaScript variables or save them in a separate file or database.
  5. Dynamically update the questions: Write JavaScript code that responds to user interactions. If the user selects a response, change the displayed question accordingly and update the content of the response buttons.
  6. Continued questionnaire: Repeat step 5 to continue the questionnaire. Based on the selected answers, you can control the profile of the questionnaire and view different questions.

This is a basic approach to creating such a website. Depending on the specific requirements and the desired scope of the website, there are many ways to implement these functions. You could also use frameworks such as React, Angular or Vue.js to facilitate the development process.

It can be helpful to study resources and tutorials on web development to get a better understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and to deepen the concepts of the interactive websites.

1 year ago
Reply to  JulianOnFire

if there should be problems write me privately

1 year ago
Reply to  JulianOnFire

Who was ChatGPT, Bard or Bing?

1 year ago
Reply to  LeBonyt

chatgpt gives nix better

1 year ago
Reply to  LeBonyt


1 year ago

With react in frontend and mongodb in backend

1 year ago

The easiest with PHP

The questions are answered either in a CSV or in a SQL


Question, Answer, Link to the next question