Wie Auto transportieren?
Hi Leute ,
Ich bin dabei einen gebrauchten Wagen zu kaufen.. aufgrund von Rost und einer defekten Handbremse hat der Wagen kein Tüv bekommen und müsste daher 300 km zu mir hertransportiert werden .. Wie mache ich das jetzt und Wie viel würde es kosten?
You rent a car hanger when you have a car with AHK. Costs in the area… 40€ per day
If no AHK, then ask once in the acquaintance circle
Even if this is not: look on the net where you can hire a car transporter. Costs well over 150€ per day
Pick up yourself with some equipment and charger
or commission a company
Is there also community at Facebook where trucks are driving their stuff for some money because of empty private people, maybe that’s what?
Rent a trailer at the next tank (approx. 50€/day) and get off the wild ride!
Get offers from forwarders.
Go with the hanger