How self-sufficient can you really live in Germany?
If you have a garden you can grow fruit and vegetables and keep chickens.
But then it stops again, right?
Or can you really live completely self-sufficiently?
Hello folks, I am a hobby farmer and would like to breed hens that lay this particular egg color… Does anyone know which hens lay this color of eggs or which roosters/hens I should cross with each other? Thank you in advance…
Hello, I live next to a small biotope in Berlin, and the resident heron is making such loud noises that I'm wondering if it might have Tourette's syndrome? Can animals, or herons in particular, have Tourette's syndrome? Thanks for your support and best regards, John
One of my ancestors (born in 1690) was a Hamburg wood bailiff. What did he do? I haven't found anything about it online.
1-0 for Türkiye man yaaaa
Which large city/or medium-sized city in Bavaria do you find the most beautiful?
Hi. Why are macaws and African grey parrots so expensive? And also beos? I think that's why they're no longer imported from abroad. They're difficult to breed. There aren't many beo breeders, is that true?
Fully Autark is not going to live. With garden and chickens you are on a good way, but you need cows and sheep, for milk and wool. In today’s time, Autark is almost impossible if only in the collective, or with family, because one alone does not get that baked…
Until the Second World War, many people lived in the country. Vegetable garden, a pig, a goat, a few chickens, some fruit meadow. I still know about my grandparents.
You need water (nen brook with water right) or a well, place for garden and at least one cattle, fishing license and hunting license. And photovoltaics and a small wind wheel for the electricity.
There are actually people who get it.