Wie artgerecht findet ihr das Meerschweingehege?
Es ist etwa 3 m2 groß.
Und was würdet ihr noch daran ändern?
Hallo, meine Meerschweinchen bekommen im Sommer nur frische Wiese gefüttert. Das Problem ist, egal wie ich es ihnen gebe (Raufe, Haufen…) wird am Ende immer das meiste zertrampelt und vollgepinkelt. Im schlimmsten Fall finde ich es beim Saubermachen so vor, dass das Gras auf dem Boden sogar schon schimmelt. Lässt sich das irgendwie vermeiden?
Ich hatte 5 Meerschweinchen, einen Kastrat und 4 Mädels. Nun sind innerhalb von 3 Monaten leider 2 Mädels gestorben, dass eine war sehr alt, 7 Jahre und bei dem anderen gab es eine Krankheit die wir zwar gut behandeln konnten, sie hat aber zu schnell abgebaut und wir mussten sie dann erlösen. Jetzt habe Ich…
Hallo! IST DAS ARTGERECHT?!? er ist nicht mein Kaninchen! ich glaub er wird für ca. 5h im „Auslauf“ gelassen…ansonsten hockt er im Stall die Besitzerin kommt für 10 Minuten am Tag zu ihm füttert ihn und mistet alle zwei Tage bei im aus… Er ist ein blauer Wiener und ein halbes Jahr alt
Hi ihr Lieben, Ich wollte mal fragen was so der Unterschied zwischen Dwarf und Standard Ratten ist (außer die Größe) -Welche werden zahmer? -Welche leben länger -Welche werden verschmuster? Ich weiß das es Charakter Tiere sind, wollte trotzdem nochmal fragen. LG danke im Voraus Tarnchamp
Ich habe 4 Meerschweinchen und 1 Kaninchen und ich Frage mich ob sie Mandeln essen dürfen, da ich Mandeln öfters selber esse und sie deswegen griffbereit habe als kleinen Snack.
hilft zimtöl und Mäuse zu vertreiben
0.5 m2 space per animal, where more area is always better. A walk of 3 m2 offers enough space for about 6 guinea pigs. Nevertheless, it is important that the enclosure provides enough structures, hiding places, and employment opportunities to support the natural behavior of the animals. Ensure that the enclosure allows for species-friendly conditions such as retreat sites, food and movement.
Houses for which the minimum can also have two entrances, which do not hold up on the tiny floor but at the bottom or at least a second large warm up that stands below, generally offer more hiding possibilities, the ramp is clearly flattened into the unnecessary floor because it is much too steep or best left out the whole floor because much space does not bring it, the food will be much more varied and not only slurries and tubs.
They get salad and are very often in the garden. With the second floor they come up super well and run the slope without problems. In the past there was a second heuraufe on the lower floor, but they did not use it. The food was just what was still cleansing in front of the cage, now they have (a lot) salad again.
gives a lot more than salad, fennel, turtles with green, dill, herbs, parsley, broccoli v with strunk, cabbage rabi with leaves gently feed both, etc. Gives lists on the Internet where you can look.
Yes, they still come up the stairs and what is in a couple of years when the animals drastically suffer from osteoarthritis and can hardly move because the ramp is too steep and their bones don’t go along anymore? guinea pigs are pure floor dwellers and do not climb. A slope of 25° is actually too much point and yours has significantly more gradient.
And only salad, tube and cucumber is also far from a balanced guinea pig diet. Very far away.
Please do NOT wear the animals in the garden for hours!
Yeah, and that’s what they get, just what sense would it have had to tell them all?
You don’t just get salad, tube and cucumber. We always pick grass, hazelnut, lion tooth, etc.
As soon as I notice that one of the guinea pigs has problems running, I will only make the plane straight up and not absolutely necessary for food. I just looked at the slope and measured it has a gradient of 14°. So no 25°.
So the animals are not as described there. When we arrive in the garden and put the transport box on the meadow and which is not yet open, the animals begin to try to push the door open so that they can get out (we don’t let them stand like that forever, 20 seconds maybe, so don’t worry about it) . And if they sit in their cradle, they run around immediately and eat quite relaxed. They’re not afraid. We used to have a guinea pig that didn’t get clear, in time we left it.
I also had long meechwe7nchen and it would be nice if you had a small area with litter of straw and heu fills that they have something to do and have variety in the ground and in any case water and hot and dry food would not be too cold
One guinea pig has an allergy, so that’s not…
What’s wrong?
I think you’re completely wrong. I want guinea pigs INDUSTRIAL GOODS Dried food is not necessary. Fleece keeping is just as practical, if it is often unknown: https://www.sifle.de/Fleece.htm
We also tested this, but then it reacts exactly like that…
Ahso that I also recommended that there be krobes streu because the fine ones are very dusty best streu at the still some bark then it is usually rough
This stray, she then always started to sneak and her eyes have been very sharply toned.
Too small! I would generally enlarge it and sprinkle the soil with hemp litter, which is actually also suitable for alergists.
Please send me a FA then I’ll tell you everything you can or should
How big is it?
About 1 square meter. How many are they?
and the rest I’ll tell you on a FA
The enclosure is estimated 150 x 180 cm, so it has 2.7 m2 and is therefore sufficient for 5 guinea pigs. 0.5 m2 is calculated per furnase (TVT). Hanfeinstreu is equally dangerous for allergy sufferers, there is no discernment. 😉
Goggle says:
The right scatter for allergy sufferers
Good alternatives to conventional scattering offer, for example, hemp strut and hemp strut pellets, as well as corn granules and plant fiber pellets, since they have good absorbency, low dust formation and satisfactory odor binding.
And 05 are also only the minimum, says how great it must be according to law!
guinea pigs are mammals as we are and in asthma or other allergic diseases also have the same problems as humans.
It is not about the owner but about the guinea pig
It is not dust-free, none of it, and I am allergic and have asthma.
more hay to cuddle and change daily due to feces
The hay always pulls out of the predatory, which do not brew 20 minutes
I don’t want to be annoyed and your cranny is otherwise sharp, but more chew at the piece would be better and fresh daily
So I give hay to them three times a day and also fresh food, but they are also almost daily in summer in the garden. Now they’ve built the hay nest again.
Art-just is only freedom.
Now that this is out of the way… Goose’s okay.
The guinea pigs would never survive in freedom and whether they are here or in the shelter, they also have something better here, because in the shelter there are far too many animals (at least here in our).
You realize there are wild guinea pigs?
House guinea pigs cannot survive in freedom, they are domestic animals and, in addition, an attitude in “freedom” would be a violation. the animal welfare law and environmental laws.
These aren’t wild guinea pigs, and we don’t live here in South America.
I lack a feed tower, more hiding places like hay tunnel, sleeping bags, hay, ramp to stei00l,
What is a feed tower and the ramp they have been running for years without problems.
google times to build food tower slber. There feed comes in, like gummy, herbs, for example, where the animals need to move more to get ran
I don’t think it’s gonna be so good for them, my guinea pig is about 8 years old.
Needs hay and grass
hay they have upper floor, left at the back) and weed is getting out of the garden