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Joa, fifty-five.
I like to ride, but I also like to do ground work and generally enjoy everyday contact with the horse.
Nonetheless, I would never want to miss out on riding completely.
Never done and will never do it.
I’m a little horse mad and riding is part of it for me.
The most important thing for me, however, is that my horses (my animals are generally good) then I feel good and I can also do without riding.
So I love horses over everything, not necessarily riding, but the animals… Fascinating me just so much 😻and are always there!
LG Teresaa♥♥
Hab ne’s sister who loves riding, I personally not so
That’s it.
Do you like riding or horses ❔
I like horses because I like to ride.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
We should also respect the opinion of others.
You should like horse because you love her and not because of the sport!!!
My horses themselves are more important to me. You can do so much more with them than just ride. I ride them, too, but always only rides would not be fun.
heals me and brings me out of my currently not so beautiful everyday life 😊
lg RedRose114
Find it bad
Riding ansich is great and it only works when you understand the animal and love💗💗
LG MyPony
Well, you don’t have to love it. Otherwise, everyone would have to love every horse…
But you should communicate with the animal and not determine it.
Got your own 😉
I love horses. It follows that I don’t want to ride her.
Your second sentence makes no sense. Proper ride is enough – and does not harm.
I just love horses so VERY I don’t load them with my weight and let them run through the area!
Then you probably love yourself so much that you would never do sports…. completely useless stress.
I like horses.