Wie Arbeitgeber über Schwangerschaft informierenn?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin schwanger und muss bald meinen Arbeitgeber darüber in Kenntnis setzen (warte bis zum Ende der 12. ssw). Wir sind total unterbesetzt, weil viele aufgehört haben und nun wir total überlastet sind und sich wohl auch keiner auf die ausgeschriebene Stelle bewirbt. Nun ist es mir noch unangenehmer, weil ich auch für 3 Jahre in Elternzeit gehen möchte.. Fühle mich so, als würde ich die in Stich lassen.
Was meint ihr? Wie würdet ihr es ansprechen? Habt ihr Erfahrung mit solch einem Gespräch und könnt mir Tipps geben?
danke und liebe Grüße 🙂
It is often that the boss is also a human being.
That is, of course, he sees on the one hand that his personal bottleneck is not better – but if he/she is a feeling being, then a congratulation, honest joy and the question of your further plans comes.
Parental time doesn’t mean you can’t work at all. So if you find that you can imagine a job in parttime during the 3rd year, you can still do that. Should there be no problem with reduction. Maybe this thought will help you (no matter if you do it or not) that you don’t feel bad.
Pregnancy and even more the child completely renew the priorities in their own lives. You feel, especially in the first time, not so much responsible for your colleagues – but much more for your child. And if you want to be there for your child, do it! And if the blanket falls on your head, you can still change your plans.
I’d just take a confirmation of your gynecologist and give them to the office. From the moment on, you have a very comprehensive dismissal protection. It can’t happen much. And everything else, like the parental age, can still be discussed in peace.
How the work is done then is not your problem. Then your boss has to come up with a solution.
Small supplement: ‘The termination protection already exists – only does the AG know nothing yet. If she had announced today, she would have had two weeks to provide proof of pregnancy (and therefore also that she had already existed at this time) and the termination would no longer be effective.
What, of course, cannot intervene, because the AG does not yet know about pregnancy, are the other, possibly applicable regulations of the parent protection, e.g. in relation to layer divisions or the like.
The sooner the employer can adjust, the more fair. So inform early! Ask for a personal conversation and not long talking about the hot Brei. Pregnancy is not a crime;)
If the father is not your boss, just say
Stop acting like you were doing something just because you live your life.
So just say it normal and honest as it is.