Wie anziehen bei Fieber?
Hallo erstmal, kurz gesagt ich habe 37,7-37,9 grad fieber (bzw. Erhöhte temperatur, fühlt sich jedoch 10 mal schlimmer an als es ist..) ich wollte fragen, ist es besser sich dick anzuziehen um zu schwitzen usw. Oder besser sich „dünn“ anzuziehen und nur unter der decke bleiben.
danke im vorraus!
Hey, so if I’m sick and the fever rises, I’m usually happy and I’m packing myself warm as there can really nich enough cover xd
If it then slowly drops again, you will usually automatically warmer then can dress quite normal and ne normal deck is full enough
Good improvement
A sweater would help. Warm up, take a bath, drink a hot health tea and under the warm blanket.
But only for two hours. Then again normal nightwear and blanket.
Is an old but good home remedy
RIP circuit
This is not a fever, but “only” elevated temperature. Fieber starts from 38.1°C.
You should get dressed so that it’s least unpleasant for you. I put myself in bed under the ceiling and dress myself more easily. As soon as I’m sweating, I’ll change the laundry.
That’s how you feel.