What is the best way to secure wooden planks to a trailer?

I have a 2-meter-long trailer. What's the best way to secure 4-meter-long planks? To the frame? Remove the rear flap and lay it flat on the ground? The red flag is clear.

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2 years ago

You have two options:

Either you put the screeds on the frame, so make sure that they can’t slide down sideways, then secure them with tightly pulled tension straps, please remember that the screeds are only force-locking, i.e. secured by friction, make sure they don’t project too far forward over the board wall (curves!!!) and drive cautiously.

Or you put the screeds in the trailers in such a way that they rest on the front of the vehicle – then they cannot slide forward when braking – then secure the screeds with tightly tight tension straps.

But then you can only drive 100 kilometers, because the screeds are two meters behind.

Up to a distance of 100 kilometres, the supernatant shall be three metres, and only one and a half metres shall be available for further routes.

Depending on the weight of the piles, the supporting load changes – it is reduced by the lever action.

2 years ago

4m long screeds flat on the loading surface of the hanger: these are then 2m overhang, the center of gravity of the load is then far behind the axis of the hanger. Depending on the number of piles, you get a negative support load and the rear axle is relieved on the towing vehicle.

Take Nix well.

2 years ago

with long straps under the hanger through.bord walls allow for so much to overstretched at the front so that you can still turn not that they will hit the car.

2 years ago

At 4 m you will get problems with the support load.

I don’t think that’s possible.

I don’t see any problems with a roof rack

2 years ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

but let it be extended forward so that you can still hit without the car in the away.fixed strap under the trailer by with ratchet everything is fixed and red back