Wie am besten Geburtstag feiern?
Hey Leute ich hab heute Geburtstag und bin aber noch für 1 – 1 1/2 Wochen im Krankenhaus. Möchte aber gerne meinen Geburtstag feiern. 3 Freundinnen wovon 2 auch heute Geburtstag haben kommen heute Nachmittag auch vorbei. Hat einer Ideen was man dann machen kann? (Sind btw alle drei 14 geworden, die 3 Freundin hat nächsten Monat erst Geburtstag, ist also noch 13). Danke im Vorraus. LG
In the KH I personally find quite difficult because you are not so free, there are many very strict or just want their peace because KRANKENhaus…
I’d take it easy, just be together and celebrate myself, like to 3, cakes + drinks, conversations, something (leise) music if all this is currently allowed in the KH.
But it would also be good if after 2-3 weeks or next month you all just celebrate together. Together out, people invite, invite each other or you throw money together and rent a small hall/nen room with a parent or something to celebrate, depending on what’s on the budget, etc.
Take cake with candles and take UN cards and chat together. Unpacking gifts together
Happy birthday 🙂
You can’t really do a lot in the hospital. Maybe make each other make up or something.
That’s a good idea.
Thanks (Sowol for the idea as well as for the congratulations)
Make the best of the situation. Just enjoy the presence of your friends! After partying, you can really fat when you are back home healthy!!! Happy 💐💐💐!
Thank you.
Best? I wouldn’t say! You don’t have to celebrate birthdays anymore.
Yeah, I mean, talk and what you can talk or just do a little party…