wie am besten das Pony von der Koppel holen?

ich muss gleich alleine (!) ein Pony von der Weide holen und weiß nicht, wie ich das anstellen soll, da die Weide ein sehr breites Tor hat, dass, wenn man es loslässt sich quasi immer weiter öffnet und ich eventuell überfordert sein werde mit dem Pferd (was übrigens verfressen ist und mich deshalb höchstwahrscheinlich sofort weg zieht von der Weide, sodass ich wohl kaum eine Chance haben werde, das Tor gescheit zu zu machen) in der einen Hand und dem Tor in der Anderen. Hat eventuell jemand Tipps, wie ich das systematisch und schlau hinbekomme? ich hab noch nicht oft Pferde selbst von der Koppel geholt und fertig gemacht, bin dahingehend also ein ziemlicher Anfänger.

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4 years ago

Normally, I would say as much as any other knitting and holding as long as possible.If that doesn’t go long on the fence (not so he/she can enter) then send with the bark or hold around with the hand until it stands out and then Zaun can’t run away.

4 years ago

If the pony grazes, take a long knit, then you can rest the gate

4 years ago


You in


Get Pony


You and Pony out. Either you take it very short, so it can’t eat or run away at all, or you leave it long and it just keeps eating in front of the gate while you go. The latter probably works better.

If there are other horses that might want to go out, open the gate so far that first you and then pass the pony.

4 years ago

Pony pick, gate up, pony turn, knit long (can still graze), gate too. Walk with Pony. If you take a bark, you can drive the other horses back if necessary and better position your pony.

4 years ago

I always do that with my pony that I’m going to catch pony… Pony and I get out- Pony long at the knit that it can graze so stop – Go ahead.

Lg Teresa

4 years ago

Pony best to pack the halter and make sure the head stays up, gate up, pony and you through, pony we let him and make gate

4 years ago
Reply to  Enduh

Please, if you take the knit for a short time and don’t pack on the halter… This can give very big aura on your fingers to breakage or worse. It can happen very quickly that the pony is running and you don’t get your fingers out fast enough.

4 years ago
Reply to  GillyDi

If you don’t put your hands through, you just have to let go. That’s the same as fork.

4 years ago
Reply to  GillyDi

You should be able to prevail (if this is not the case someone should be there)

4 years ago
Reply to  Enduh

You never pack a horse on the halter! This is a No Go! Habvivhbin has never done over 20 years, and has always prevailed me in a variety of horses!

4 years ago

1. I have not advised anyone to take the horse at the halter (except for short distances or direction signs…) (that was not my answer)

Two. I have no horses

3. Of course, they don’t go after me all the time, but this is a goal of groundwork and so what we do often and that’s why it’s for whom they volunteer.

4. Eitle self-representation? No! Actually, I just wanted to say that you can do that on good horses, where you know it works. I’m just doing this with mini-shetties that you have to pick from the garden. It’s better with Halfter. And as a help, that was definitely not thought.

Five. It’s not that I wouldn’t run out. After/before each ride we went out the whole open-plan and run away. Since it is a rather small stable, I definitely don’t come on 40 horses.

6. Have fun.

4 years ago

Like I said, if you think you can do this, that’s one thing. But if you advise a beginner to take the horse on the halter (and this is the question!) this is already a strong piece.

Great if your horses are going after you like dogs, and beautiful if you can lead them to the man, but that sounds in the context here more like a self-representation than that it could be a help for the questioner.

But let’s be good – have no time for fruchlose discussions. I’ll have to get out of here about 40 horses.

4 years ago

Drive over red lights and ride without gloves is different. On the one hand, you get yourself and others in danger of life, and on the other you have no more shaken hands! And gloves are not mandatory and are not really important. There were no gloves before! And, of course, I’ll take the horse at the halter before it goes off. I know it’s gonna stop. Generally, a guide knit is better. If the horse goes “free” behind one and has only one Hslfter on it, and you can stop it a few steps on the halter to show him to come with it. Always works. If I don’t have any help, I’ll take the ponies back to the stables, too. Does not work on every horse/pony but after an attempt one is usually smarter.

4 years ago

If you do so, “and never before what happens” it does not mean that you should recommend this here (where many young people are looking for advice!!!)! I also know someone who drives over red traffic lights – has no h ever happened, so far – is that recommended?

4 years ago

I’ll take the horses only if I take them to the stable. And that’s more like it. They’ll be on their own anyway. Generally, I would still say that you should take a knit. Only for small stretches where you know that the horse does not run or want. And I’ve never done anything without gloves except that my hands were almost threatened. But that’s why there are the gloves. But I don’t think it’s good if you hang a horse over a long distance. Or get something like that. But if a pony is out-of-the-box and you just have a halter, that’s all right.

4 years ago

Well, if you don’t need your fingers, and don’t think it’s bad if someone gets off, just do it.

I only recommend taking appropriate precautions on each of the hands and fingers.

It’s not that hard to do it properly.

4 years ago

The fingers are always inside. But if he’s tall enough, that’s enough. I’ve tried to stop a Shetti with a rope. In the end I was behind him and got a hoof at the gallop jump against the thigh. It wasn’t bad, but I let go. He didn’t slip through my hands. And I never wear gloves. Most often in winter when it is very cold. I don’t think you need them.

4 years ago

How are you holding the halter without the at least the fingertips on the inside of the belts?

Because it’s enough that you don’t react fast enough and don’t let go early enough.

Even in knitting, you can react too late, but in the worst case, it only curses you through your hand and you have a burn. And you should wear gloves anyway.

4 years ago

Against several hundred kg who really want to go away, a human hand can align nix, no matter how much one “permeates”.

Ever had a joint capsule injury on several fingers, because I had my hand on the halter of nem Shetlandpony….

And know a man (probably even 100 kg heavy, and definitely not of the cimp variety) who now has 2 half fingers less, because he wanted to stop black forests in this way.

It’s really not too late, please believe me. There is no reason for the knitting.

4 years ago

So, how was it? Did it work?

4 years ago

Run from behind and drive all the horses to the front to the stable, take a knit so you can drive them. Good luck

4 years ago
Reply to  Horsegirl421

Huh? Where is something from stable & FS wanted to get a horse out, not all of them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hjalti

well you can also try to bring the horse to the moon:D and that with the several horseiis I have misunderstood

4 years ago


I didn’t have anything with horses on my own, but just thrown into the room:

Go on, go on, get pony, run out, set pony, go on, pony, go on?


4 years ago
Reply to  Gurlll491

Yeah, well, of course, don’t know the surroundings. Good luck anyway:P