Wie alt sind diese Schlittschuhe?

Hallo, ich wollte fragen ob jemand von euch vielleicht weiß wie alt diese Schlittschuhe sind, im Internet finde ich zwar viele welche ähnlich sind aber bei welchen das Logo von Lico dann oft anders aussieht. Frage aus reiner Interesse, ich schätze, dass sie ca. aus den 70ern sind bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher und wollte deshalb nachfragen. Auf der Unterseite steht 2 mal „Made in West-Germany“ falls das weiter hilft.

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1 year ago

Such ice skates had my grandparents, and they drove in the 50s and 60s.

1 year ago

I personally would place them in the ’50s or ’60s. The “West Germany” has not been used anymore since the fall of the Wall, but I am a child of the 70s, my brother a child of the 60s and his toys and the like. In the 1970s and 1980s, we have always assigned this as “old” when it was on it…

So it’s more like me.

At googling, they found the logo on skates that are offered there with around 1960… so they could probably come from time…

1 year ago

Just the other way around. In the 70-80s there was nothing new without West/W/W Germany or in the East without DDR/GDR. “Germany” alone could be used in West and East until the beginning of the 70s.

For example, at Siku toy cars, you see it very well. All the models that came out from about 1972 or whose casting form was reworked from there, then W.-Germany had on the bottom plate, all of them only “Germany”. The “W.-Germany” then disappeared with a transition piece by piece from 1992.

You probably mean “Western Germany” that was used by some manufacturers between the late 50s and early 70s, but never was a standard. As some manufacturers also used made in…zones from the 40s to the late 50s, but most not.

1 year ago

I tap on the middle of the 80s

1 year ago

I think of 1930.

1 year ago
Reply to  Schucky504

Sorry, but the West Germany was rather introduced by the Englishmen after the Second World War…of 1930 they are not…

1 year ago

Right! And it should brand the “lower quality” product from German production. However, it went completely backwards and “Made in West Germany” was struck as the quality feature like a bomb 🙂