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6 months ago
  • 588 or 589, depending on whether it is before or after 25. March was born.
  • Frodo is going to gollum too. You can see how he reacts when Sam has the ring for a while. However, he only has the ring approx. 17 years get him from Bilbo voluntarily and does not use him in contrast to Gollum, who brings him through murder and also often used in the 556 years he has. The change is already noticeable, but in order to become Gollum, it obviously takes a little more time.
  • Gollum’s Hobbitname is Sméagol. The little males are hobbits.
  • He’s from the stars. This is a hobbit crowd next to the harps and falbhäuten.
6 months ago
Reply to  Garlond

However, he only has the ring about 17 years

Here I have to correct you: The entire journey of the Hobbits to destroy the ring took just 13 months from the outbreak in Auenland to the return to Auenland…
If you take off the two months recovery in Minas Tirith and the return trip, Frodo was a ring carrier less than a year, but Bilbo wore him almost 61 years

6 months ago
Reply to  falkfisch262

I’ll have to correct you again. Bilbo leaves the Frodo ring at his break from the Auenland, on his 111 and Frodos 33 birthday. Frodo takes 50 to the way from the Auenland to Bruchtal. This doesn’t happen in the film, except the Bilbo is much older and Aragorn in the second part indicates his age at 89.

Here you can see the annual figures on overview

6 months ago

First, the males are semi-finished or even hobbits. Second, he’s more than 500 years old.

6 months ago

I think Gollum was called Smeàgol 🤔