Wie alt ist dieser Babyspatz?

Gestern habe ich ein Spatz gefunden der aus dem Nest gefallen ist. Ich wollte ihn sofort zurück setzten doch das Nest, wie sich festgestellte, war in 5 Metern Höhe an einem Haus unerreichbar. Also nahm ihn mit nach hause und versorgte ihn.wie alt ist der kleine?

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7 years ago

Without image hard to say

Is he full of feathers?

If yes, please reset it is an anesthesia ever fed on the ground

7 years ago

How old is the little one?

If he’s got real feathers everywhere, he’s old enough to put him under the nest. He’s fed there. If it is still partially naked or has only fussy feathers, then you have to supply it or hand it over to a suitable place.


Here’s a picture for comparison, Ästling is clear outside, Nestling isn’t.

7 years ago

You meant good, but you acted wrong.

Without that you notice, the parents are very close, and keep feeding the nest refugees!

7 years ago

Well, you couldn’t put your “Finding” back into the nest.

1. Then the birds would no longer have accepted the animal.

2.Maybe or probable, the parents have even become the birds themselves out of the nest,because it is not viable,as too weak.

How old about your “Finding” is, I can’t say that no photo has posted

7 years ago
Reply to  Drahtzaunzicke

Then the birds would no longer have accepted the animal

Oh, and why?
Birds take their boys back at any time. And they don’t throw them out of the nest.

7 years ago
Reply to  kuechentiger

You should get some information. If a vogle boy is not really viable, unfortunately it is thrown out of the nest, it is like that. And when you touch such a bird boy, it usually fits that you parents don’t accept it anymore. If you doubt, ask a veterinarian 🙂

7 years ago

Are you psychic or what do you want to know it was a strange stork? Stranger stork working on the nest?

7 years ago

Man – this is a completely different situation when a stork attacks a strange nest with boys. Oh, my God.

7 years ago

As written, my experiences are different. But as with other things, there are exceptions

7 years ago

Have made other experiences myself and in my friends/recognition circle

7 years ago

Birds don’t care who touched their boys. There’s no deer.

Important notice:Parents will continue to care for the young, because it doesn’t matter whether they were touched by people or not. The sense of smell of the birds is not so highly developed that the smell of “human” would prevent them from supplying their offspring.